Friday, May 29, 2020

Cov19 Deaths by Country 5/29/20

213 countries are approaching 6 million cases and 370,000 deaths.

As of 5/29/20 at 10 am ET, global case gain remains low at 0.6% and deaths/cases increases from 5.8% to 6.1%.

Global     Cases      Gain     %      Deaths   %   Deaths/Day
5/29/20   5937190  36283  0.6%  362776   6.1    1217
5/28/20   5900907                        361549   5.8

50 Countries with 10,000 or more cases account for over 95% of all deaths.

Country           Cases     Deaths    %
US                 1768868  103345    5.8
Brazil               438812    26764    6.1
Russia             387623      4374    1.1
Spain               284986    27119    9.5
UK                   269127    37837   14.1
Italy                 231732    33142   14.3
France            186238     28662   15.3
Germany        182495      8574      4.7
India               167442      4797      2.9
Turkey            160979      4461      2.8
Iran                 146668      7677      5.2
Peru                141779     4099      2.9
Canada            88512       6877     7.8
Chile                86943         890     1.0
China               82995       4634     5.6
Saudi Arabia    81766        458      0.6
Mexico             81400       9044    11.1
Pakistan          64028        1317     2.1
Belgium           58061        9430    16.2
Qatar               52907           36      0.07
Netherlands     46126       5931     12.9
Bangladesh     42844         582      1.4
Belarus            40764         224      0.5
Ecuador           38471       3313      8.6
Sweden           36476       4350     11.9
Singapore        33860          23        0.06
UAE                 32532        258        7.9
Portugal           31946      1383        4.3
Switzerland      30828      1919        6.2
S Africa            27403        577        2.1
Colombia         25366        822        3.2
Indonesia        25216       1520        6.0
Ireland             24841       1639       6.6
Kuwait             24211         185       0.7
Poland            22964        1043       4.5
Ukraine           22811         679        3.0
Egypt              20793         845        4.1
Romania        18982        1240        6.5
Israel              16887         284        1.7
Japan             16683         867        5.2
Austria            16655         668       4.0
Dominican R   16068        485        3.0
Philippines      15588        921        5.9
Argentina        14702        508        3.5
Afghanistan    13659        246        1.8
Panama          12131        320        2.6
Denmark         11593        568        5.0
S Korea          11402         269        2.4
Serbia             11354         242        2.1
Bahrain           10352          15         0.1

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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