Sunday, May 24, 2020

Covid19 Deaths by Country 5/24/20

We are moving to 5.5 million cases and approaching 350,000 deaths.

As of 5/24/20 AM globally, Covid19 Cases totaled 5.457.154 and Deaths totaled 345,122.

Deaths in the top 49 countries totaled 338,415 (98%).

The top 12 countries in number of cases total 4,050,380 or 74% of the global total of 5,457,154.

The next 37 countries with 10,000 to 100,000 cases total 1,168,637.

The top 49 countries with over 10,000 cases subtotal 5,219,017 of the 5,457,154 or 96% of the global case total.

The % Deaths as of 5/24/20 are compared to the % deaths on 5/20/20 to determine flat, down and up.  As of 5/22/20, 4 countries are UP, 18 countries are Down and 29 countries are Flat.

Countries are listed by number of cases, deaths and % deaths as of 5/24/20 below.

12 Countries have over 100,000 cases
Country            Cases    Deaths   % Deaths
US                 1673806    98831       5.9% flat
Brazil               352523    22288       6.3% down
Russia             344481      3541       1.0% flat
Spain               282370    28678     10.2% up
UK                   259559    36793     14.2% down
Italy                 229858     32785     14.2% flat
France            182496     28332     15.5% flat
Germany        180105       8371       4.6% flat
Turkey            155686       4308       2.8% flat
Iran                 135701       7417       5.5% flat
India                138041      4014       2.9% down
Peru                115754      3373       2.9% flat
12 Country    4050380   278731      6.9% down

37  Countries have 10,000 to 100,000 cases
Country            Cases    Deaths   % Deaths
Canada             84082      6380      7.6% flat
China                82974      4634       5.4% down
S Arabia           72560        390        0.5% flat
Chile                 69102        718       1.0% flat
Mexico              65856       7179     10.9% flat
Belgium            57092       9280      16.3% flat
Pakistan           54601       1133       2.1% flat
Netherlands      45236       5822     12.9% flat
Qatar                43714         23         0.05% flat
Ecuador            36258       3096       8.5% up
Belarus             36198        199        0.5% down
Bangladesh      33610         480       1.4% flat
Sweden            33459       3998      11.9% flat
Singapore         31616         23         0.07% down
Switzerland       30736       1906       6.2% flat
Portugal            30623       1316       4.3% flat
UAE                  29485         245       0.8% down
Ireland               24639       1608       6.5% flat
Indonesia          22271       1372        6.2% down
S Africa             21343         407        1.9% flat
Poland              21326         996        4.7% down
Kuwait               21302        156        0.7% flat
Ukraine             20986         617        2.9% flat
Colombia          20177         705        3.5% down
Romania           18070       1185        6.6% up
Israel                16712         279        1.7% flat
Japan               16536         808        4.9% up
Egypt                16513        735         4.5% down
Austria              16503        640         3.9% flat
Dominican R     14801       458          3.1% down
Philippines        14035        868         6.2% down
Denmark           11360        562         4.9% down
Argentina          11353        445          3.9% flat
S Korea             11190       266          2.4% flat
Serbia               11159        238         2.1% down
Afghanistan      10582        218         2.1% flat
Panama            10577        299         2.8% down
37 country      1,168,637   59684       5.1% down

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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