Cases and Deaths are down. We are approaching 1.5 million
cases and 90,000 deaths.
As of 5/15/20, the US has 1,481,834 cases and 88,400 (6.0%)
deaths from Coronavirus-19.
The % of deaths/cases will decline as more testing is done,
because it will increase the denominator.
The US is moving down in its % of deaths/cases. The % of
deaths/cases are up on 5/15/20 in 11 States, down in 6 States and flat in 34
States. The trend is flat. This is a rollercoaster ride with each State
dealing with its own demographics.
State Cases
Deaths %
New York 356013 27751 7.8% flat
New Jersey 145490 10150 7.0% up
90369 4058 4.5% flat
Massachusetts 83421 5592 6.7% flat
76299 3130 4.1% flat
Pennsylvania 64264 4430
6.9% up
Michigan 50079 4825 9.6% down
45747 1299 2.8% flat
44138 1917 4.3% flat
Maryland 36986 1911
5.2% down
36681 1557 4.2% down
Connecticut 36085 3285
9.1% flat
Louisiana 33837 2448 7.2% flat
28672 977 3.4% flat
Ohio 26961 1584
5.9% up
26655 1691 6.3% flat
Colorado 21232 1150
5.4% up
Washington 18660 993 5.3% flat
Tennessee 16970 290 1.7% flat
N Carolina 17446 666 3.8% flat
Iowa 14049 336
2.4% up
Minnesota 14240 692
4.9% flat
13169 651 4.9% flat
Rhode Island 12219 479
3.9% flat
Wisconsin 11685 445
3.8% flat
Alabama 11216 476
4.3% flat
Missouri 10734 581 5.4% flat
Mississippi 10801 493
4.6% flat
Nebraska 9416 113
1.2% flat
S Carolina 8407 380
4.5% flat
7886 193
2.4% down
7444 332 4.5% flat
Delaware 7373 271
3.7% up
6913 77 1.1% flat
6871 368 5.7% up
Nevada 6614 339 5.1% flat
New Mexico 5662 253
4.5% up
Oklahoma 5086 285 5.6% down
Arkansas 4463 98
2.2% flat
S Dakota
3887 44 1.1% flat
3541 137 3.9% flat
N Hampshire 3382 151
4.5% flat
2351 72 3.1% up
N Dakota
1761 42 2.4% up
1603 69 4.3% down
W Virginia 1447 64 4.4% up
Vermont 933 53 5.7% flat
Wyoming 716 7 1.0% flat
Hawaii 638 17 2.7% flat
Montana 466 16 3.5% flat
Alaska 388
10 2.6%
Cases Deaths % Deaths
Guam 154 5
3.2% down
N Mariana 19 2
10.5% flat
Puerto Rico 2542 122 4.8% down
Virgin Islands 69 6 8.7% down
Veterans Affairs 11897 985
8.3% up
US Military 8374 27 0.3% flat
Navajo Nation 3632 127
3.5% up
Fed Prisons 3629 55
1.5% up
152 3 2.0%
Govt. Total 30468 1332 4.4% flat
Totals 1481834 88400 6.0% flat
States are opening their businesses. The US has increased
Testing and the number of Cases is increasing faster than the number of Deaths.
This should result in lower Death %.
I suspect that most people will only get a test if they
have symptoms.
Many of these Cases are without symptoms and do not require
treatment; these are carriers who need antibody blood tests.
The US Death Rate from all causes is 2 million per
year. The 5% of the US population that
accounts for 95% of healthcare spending is 16.5 million. COV19 is adding 80,000
Flu Deaths to the 40,000 Regular A&B Influenza deaths.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader
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