Sunday, May 17, 2020

COV19 US Deaths by State 5/17/20

Cases and Deaths are down. We are approaching 1.6 million cases and 95,000 deaths.

As of 5/17/20, the US has 1,526,136 cases and 90,931 (6.0%) deaths from Coronavirus-19.

The % of deaths/cases will decline as more testing is done, because it will increase the denominator.

The US is moving down in its % of deaths/cases. The % of deaths/cases are up on 5/17/20 in 6 States, down in 21 States and flat in 24 States.  The trend is flat to down.  This is a rollercoaster ride with each State dealing with its own demographics and timing.
State                  Cases   Deaths   %
New York          359830   28325   7.9% up
New Jersey       147862  10366    7.0% flat
Illinois                 94191    4177     4.4% down
Massachusetts   86010    5797     6.7% flat
California            79959    3287     4.1% down
Pennsylvania      65816    4505     6.8% down
Michigan             51142    4891     9.6% down
Texas                 48551    1353     2.8% flat
Florida                45588    1973     4.3% down
Maryland            38804    1992     5.1% down
Georgia              37701    1606     4.3% flat
Connecticut        37419    3408     9.1% flat
Louisiana           34432     2491    7.2% down
Virginia               30388    1009     3.3% down
Ohio                   27929    1628     5.8% down
Indiana               27778    1751     6.3% down
Colorado            21633    1192     5.5% up
Washington        19268    1016     5.3% flat
N Carolina          18659     684      3.7% down
Tennessee         17388     298      1.7% flat
Minnesota           15668     731      4.7% flat
Iowa                    14651     351      2.4% flat
Arizona               13937     680      4.9% down
Rhode Island      12674     499      3.9% flat
Wisconsin           12543     453      3.6% down
Alabama             11771     488      4.1% down
Mississippi          11296     521      4.6% flat
Missouri              11057     604      5.5% flat
Nebraska            10220     123      1.2% flat
S Carolina           8661      380       4.4% flat
Kansas                7941      195       2.5% flat
Kentucky             7688      334       4.3% flat
Delaware             7670      290      3.8% flat
Utah                    7238        80       1.1% flat
DC                      7123       383       5.4% up
Nevada               6857       349       5.1% down
New Mexico        5847       259       4.4% down
Oklahoma           5310       288       5.4% down
Arkansas            4759        98        2.1% down
S Dakota             3987       44        1.1% flat
Oregon                3623      137       3.8% flat
N Hampshire       3556      171       4.8% up
Idaho                   2419       73        3.0% down
N Dakota             1900       43        2.3% flat
Maine                  1687       70        4.1% down
W Virginia           1490       67        4.5% up
Vermont               940        54        5.7% flat
Wyoming             754          8         1.1% up
Hawaii                  640       17         2.7% flat
Montana              468        16         3.4% flat
Alaska                 396        10         2.5% down

Government         Cases   Deaths  % Deaths
Guam                   154          5        3.2% flat
N Mariana              21          2        9.5% down
Puerto Rico         2646       123      4.6% down
Virgin Islands         69          6        8.7% flat
Veterans Affairs  12060    1005     8.3% flat
US Military           8374       27       0.3% flat
Navajo Nation      3912      140      3.6% up
Fed Prisons         3629       55       1.5% flat
Travel                   152          3        2.0% flat
Govt. Total         31017     1366     4.4% flat

Totals             1526136   90931     6.0% up


States are opening their businesses. The US has increased Testing and the number of Cases is increasing faster than the number of Deaths. This should result in lower Death %. 

I suspect that most people will only get a test if they have symptoms.

Many of these Cases are without symptoms and do not require treatment; these are carriers who need antibody blood tests.

The US Death Rate from all causes is 2 million per year.  The 5% of the US population that accounts for 95% of healthcare spending is 16.5 million. COV19 is adding 80,000 Flu Deaths to the 40,000 Regular A&B Influenza deaths.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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