Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Covid19 Deaths by Country 5/13/20

As of 5/13/20 AM globally, Covid19 Cases hit 4.381.513 and Deaths from patients who tested positive for Covid19 hit 294,751. We are now approaching 4.5 million cases and 310,000 deaths.

We are focusing to keep the death count as low as possible. Divide Deaths by Cases to get a %. The total deaths as of 5/13/20 were 294,751. Top 10 countries totaled 151,400 and top 36 countries totaled 53,469 totaling 204,869 of the grand total of deaths 294,751 or 70% of deaths for the top 46 countries.

The top 10 countries in number of cases total 3,162,477 or 72% of the global total of 4,381,518.

The top 46 countries with over 10,000 cases subtotal 4,181,004, of the 4,381,518 or 95% of the global case total.

The % Deaths as of 5/13/20 are compared to the % deaths on 5/9/20 to determine flat, down and up.

Countries are listed by number of cases, deaths and % deaths as of 5/9/20 below.

10 Countries have over 100,000 cases
Country            Cases    Deaths   % Deaths
US                  1412661   83664      5.9% flat

Spain               271095    27104     10.0% down
Russia             242271      2212       0.9% flat
UK                   229705    33186     14.4% down
Italy                  221216    30911     13.9% flat
Brazil               179457     12531       7.0% up
France             178225     26991     15.1% up
Germany         173647       7788       4.5% up
Turkey             141475       3894       2.7% flat
Iran                  112725       6783       6.0% down
9 Country       1749816   151400      8.6% down

36  Countries have 10,000 to 100,000 cases
Country            Cases    Deaths   % Deaths
China                82926      4633      5.6% flat
India                  77729      2535      3.3% flat
Peru                  72059      2057      2.9% up
Canada             71486      5209      7.3% up
Belgium            53981       8843    16.4% up
S Arabia           44830        273       0.6% flat
Netherlands     43211       5562     12.9% up
Mexico             38324       3926      10.2% up
Pakistan           34336         737       2.1% down
Chile                31721          335      1.1% flat
Ecuador           30419        2327      7.6% up
Switzerland      30413       1870       6.1% up
Portugal           28132        1175      4.2% up
Sweden            27909       3460      12.4% flat
Qatar                26539         14         0.05% down
Belarus             25825        146         0.6% flat
Singapore         25346         21         0.09% flat
Ireland              23242       1488        6.4% flat
UAE                 19661        203          1.0% flat
Bangladesh      17822        269        1.5% flat
Poland              17062        847        5.0% flat
Israel                16539        262         1.6% up
Ukraine             16425        439        2.7% up
Romania           16002       1016        6.3% up
Austria              15997        624        3.9% flat
Japan               15968         657        4.1% up
Indonesia          15438       1028        6.7% down
Colombia          12272        493        4.0% down
Philippines        11618        772         6.6% flat
S Africa             11350       206          1.8% down
Kuwait               11028        82           0.7% up
S Korea            10962        259         2.4% flat
Dominican R     10900       402         3.7% down
Denmark           10667        533         5.0% down
Serbia               10295        222         2.2% up
Egypt                 10093       544         5.4% down
36 country       1,018,52    53469

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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