Wednesday, May 13, 2020

COV19 US Deaths by State 5/13/20

US Deaths/Cases are flat to up today. We are approaching 1.5 million cases and 90,000 deaths.

As of 5/13/20, the US has 1,430,243 cases and 85,192 (6.0%) deaths from Coronavirus-19.

The % of deaths/cases will decline as more testing is done, because it will increase the denominator.

The US is moving down in its % of deaths/cases. The % of deaths/cases are up on 5/13/20 in 23 States, down in 4 States and flat in 24 States.  The trend is flat to up.  This is a rollercoaster ride with each State dealing with its own demographics.
State                  Cases   Deaths   %
New York          350848   27290   7.8% flat
New Jersey       142861    9727    6.8% up
Illinois                 84698    3792     4.5% up
Massachusetts   80497    5315     6.6% up
California            72902    2966     4.1% up
Pennsylvania      62213    4147     6.6% up
Michigan             48391    4714     9.7% flat
Texas                 43502    1217     2.8% flat
Florida                42402    1829     4.3% up
Georgia              35427    1517     4.3% up
Connecticut        34855    3125     9.0% up
Maryland            34812    1809     5.2% up
Louisiana           32662     2381    7.3% flat
Virginia               26746     927      3.5% up
Ohio                   25729    1485     5.8% up
Indiana               25473    1619     6.4% up
Colorado            20475    1062      5.2% up
Washington        18281     975      5.3% flat
Tennessee         16370     273      1.7% up
N Carolina          16249     620      3.8% flat
Iowa                    13289     306      2.3% up
Minnesota           12917     638      4.9% flat
Arizona               12176     594      4.9% up
Rhode Island      11835     462      3.9% up
Wisconsin           10902     421      3.9% flat
Alabama             10700     450      4.2% flat
Missouri              10355     548      5.3% up
Mississippi          10090      465      4.6% flat
Nebraska             9075      107      1.2% flat
S Carolina           8030      362       4.5% flat
Kansas                7507      188       2.5% down
Kentucky             7080      326       4.6% down
Delaware             6952      247      3.6% up
Utah                    6620        75       1.1% flat
DC                       6584      350      5.3% up
Nevada               6394       331      5.2% up
New Mexico        5364      231       4.3% up
Oklahoma           4852      278       5.7% down
Arkansas             4236       97        2.3% flat
S Dakota             3732       39        1.0% flat
Oregon                3416      134       3.9% flat
N Hampshire       3299      150       4.5% up
Idaho                   2324       70        3.0% down
N Dakota             1647       40        2.4% flat
Maine                  1515       66        4.4% flat
W Virginia           1404       59        4.2% flat
Vermont               929        53        5.7% flat
Wyoming             688          7         1.0% flat
Hawaii                  638       17         2.7% flat
Montana              462        16         3.5% flat
Alaska                 383        10         2.6% flat

Government         Cases   Deaths  % Deaths
Guam                   152          5        3.3% flat
N Mariana              19          2      10.5% down
Puerto Rico         2329       115      4.9% down
Virgin Islands         69          6        8.8% up
Veterans Affairs  11650    953       8.2% up
US Military           8210       27       0.3% flat
Navajo Nation      3204      102       3.3% up
Fed Prisons         3629       51       1.4% flat
Travel                   152          3        2.0% flat
Govt. Total         29414     1264     4.3% up

Totals             1430243   85192     6.0% up


States with lower cases and deaths are opening their businesses. The US has increased Testing and the number of Cases is increasing faster than the number of Deaths. This should result in lower Death %. 

I suspect that most people will only get a test if they have symptoms.

Many of these Cases are without symptoms and do not require treatment; these are carriers who need antibody blood tests.

The US Death Rate from all causes is 2 million per year.  The 5% of the US population that accounts for 95% of healthcare spending is 16.5 million. COV19 is adding 80,000 Flu Deaths to the 40,000 Regular A&B Influenza deaths.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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