Friday, May 15, 2020

Covid19 Deaths by Country 5/15/20

As of 5/15/20 AM globally, Covid19 Cases hit 4.574.016 and 95% or 4,362,636 of these cases are in the top 46 countries.

Deaths totaled 305,047 globally and 69% or 211,465 of these deaths are in the top 46 countries.

We are now approaching 4.6 million cases and 310,000 deaths.

The top 10 countries in number of cases total 3,281,615 or 72% of the global total of 4,574,016.

The top 46 countries with over 10,000 cases subtotal 4,362,636 of the 4,574,016 or 95% of the global case total.

The % Deaths as of 5/15/20 are compared to the % deaths on 5/13/20 to determine flat, down and up.  As of 5/15/20,11 countries are UP, 11 countries are Down and 24 countries are Flat.

Countries are listed by number of cases, deaths and % deaths as of 5/15/20 below.

10 Countries have over 100,000 cases
Country            Cases    Deaths   % Deaths
US                  1461870   87074      6.0% up

Spain               274367    27459     10.0% flat
Russia             262843      2418       0.9% flat
UK                   236711    33998     14.4% flat
Italy                 223096     31368     14.1% up
Brazil               207251     14216       6.9% down
France             178870     27425     15.3% up
Germany         175223       7933       4.5% flat
Turkey             144749       4007       2.8% up
Iran                  116635       6902       5.9% down
9 Country       1819745   155726       8.6% flat

36  Countries have 10,000 to 100,000 cases
Country            Cases    Deaths   % Deaths
India                  85546      2746     3.2% down
China                82993      4633      5.6% flat
Peru                  80604      2267      2.8% down
Canada             73401      5472      7.5% up
Belgium            54644       8959    16.4% flat
S Arabia           49176        292       0.6% flat
Netherlands     43681       5643     12.9% flat
Mexico             42595       4477      10.5% up
Chile                39542         394       1.1% flat
Pakistan           37218         803       2.2% up
Switzerland      30514       1874       6.1% flat
Ecuador           30502        2338      7.6% flat
Qatar                29425         14         0.05% down
Sweden            29207       3646      12.5% up
Portugal           28583        1190      4.2% flat
Belarus             27730        156        0.4% down
Singapore         26891         21         0.08% down
Ireland              23827       1508        6.3% down
UAE                  21831        210        1.0% flat
Bangladesh      20065        298        1.5% flat
Poland              17850        893         5.0% flat
Ukraine             17330        476         2.7% flat
Israel                16589        266         1.6% flat
Indonesia          16496       1076        6.5% down
Romania           16437       1070        6.5% up
Japan               16120         697        4.3% up
Austria              16109        628         3.9% flat
Colombia          13610        525         3.9% down
Kuwait               12860        96           0.7% flat
S Africa             12739       238          1.9% up
Philippines        12091        806         6.6% flat
Dominican R     11739       424          3.6% down
S Korea             11018       260          2.4% flat
Egypt                 10829       581         5.4% flat
Denmark           10791        537         5.0% flat
Serbia               10438        225         2.2% flat
36 country      1,081,021    55739

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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