Tuesday, May 12, 2020

COV19 US Deaths by State 5/12/20

Cases and Deaths are down. We are approaching 1.5 million cases and 90,000 deaths.

As of 5/12/20, the US has 1,406,129 cases and 83,244 (5.9%) deaths from Coronavirus-19.

The % of deaths/cases will decline as more testing is done, because it will increase the denominator.

The US is moving down in its % of deaths/cases. The % of deaths/cases are up on 5/12/20 in 11 States, down in 7 States and flat in 32 States.  The trend is flat to down.  This is a rollercoaster ride with each State dealing with its own demographics.
State                  Cases   Deaths   %
New York          348655   27175   7.8% flat
New Jersey       142046    9532    6.7% up
Illinois                 83021    3601    4.3% down
Massachusetts   79332    5141     6.5% flat
California            70575    2844     4.0% flat
Pennsylvania      61346    3917     6.4% up
Michigan             48021    4674     9.7% up
Florida                41923    1782     4.2% flat
Texas                 41389    1162     2.8% flat
Georgia              34737    1465     4.2% flat
Connecticut        34333    3041     8.9% flat
Maryland            34061    1756     5.1% up
Louisiana           32050     2347    7.3% flat
Virginia               25800     891      3.4% flat
Ohio                   25264    1438     5.7% up
Indiana               25127    1578     6.3% flat
Colorado            19879     987      5.0% flat
Washington        17890     953      5.3% flat
Tennessee         16111     265      1.6% flat
N Carolina          15591     596      3.8% flat
Iowa                    12912     289      2.2% flat
Minnesota           12494     614      4.9% down
Rhode Island      11614     444      3.8% flat
Arizona               11736     562      4.8% flat
Wisconsin           10611     418      3.9% flat
Missouri              10232     531      5.2% up
Alabama             10310     429      4.2% flat
Mississippi           9908      457      4.6% up
Nebraska             8572      100      1.2% flat
S Carolina           7927      355       4.5% up
Kansas                7195      184       2.6% up
Delaware             6741      237      3.5% up
Kentucky             6677      311      4.7% flat
DC                       6485      336      5.2% up
Utah                    6432        73       1.1% flat
Nevada               6311       312      4.9% down
New Mexico        5069      208       4.1% flat
Oklahoma           4732      278       5.9% flat
Arkansas             4043       94        2.3% flat
S Dakota             3663       39        1.1% flat
Oregon                3358      130       3.9% down
N Hampshire       3160      133       4.2% down
Idaho                   2260       70        3.1% up
N Dakota             1571       38        2.4% flat
Maine                  1477       65        4.4% flat
W Virginia           1378       58        4.2% flat
Vermont               927        53        5.7% down
Wyoming             675          7         1.0% down
Hawaii                  634       17         2.7% flat
Montana              461        16         3.5% flat
Alaska                 383        10         2.6% flat

Government         Cases   Deaths  % Deaths
Guam                   152          5        3.3% flat
N Mariana              19          2      10.5% down
Puerto Rico         2299       114      5.0% flat
Virgin Islands         69          5        7.2% flat
Veterans Affairs  11376    923       8.1% up
US Military           8130       27       0.3% flat
Navajo Nation      3204      102       3.2% down
Fed Prisons         3629       49       1.4% up
Travel                   152          3        2.0% flat
Govt. Total         29030     1230     4.2% up

Totals             1406129   83244     5.9% flat


States with lower cases and deaths are opening their businesses. The US has increased Testing and the number of Cases is increasing faster than the number of Deaths. This is resulting in lower Death %.  Many of these Cases are without symptoms and do not require treatment; these are carriers who need antibody blood tests.

The US Death Rate from all causes is 2 million per year.  The 5% of the US population that accounts for 95% of healthcare spending is 16.5 million. COV19 is adding 80,000 Flu Deaths to the 40,000 Regular A&B Influenza deaths.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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