Saturday, February 10, 2024

Automobile Manufacturing 2-10-24

The 6 largest automobile companies in 2024 are headquartered in Europe and Japan. US auto companies began to decline in the 1980s for failing to solve their quality problems and failing to build cars with higher mpg.

US Auto Companies are in trouble again and are stuck with EVs nobody wants. The winners in Europe are Germany, Netherlands and UK. The winner in Asia is Japan. 

Brand                 $ Revenue   HQ

Volkswagen AG    284.34B   Germany

Toyota                  270.58B   Japan

Stellantis              181.58B   Netherlands

British Leyland     174.23B   UK  *

Mercedes Benz    165.68B   Germany *

BMW                    162.76B   Germany *

Ford                     151.74B   US

GM                      147.21B    US

Honda                 126.17B    Japan

Hyundai               121.25B   S Korea *

Tesla                     74.86B    US

Nissan                  73.73B    Japan

Audi                      72.00B    Germany

Kia                        66.53B    S Korea *

Volvo                    52.00B    Sweden  *

BYD ltd                 51.37B    China

Porsche                34.6B      Germany

Subaru                 27.93B    Japan  *

·       *  Missing from list on website below

China was the largest manufacturer of automobiles, with 30.16 million autos built in 2023. The largest automotive companies obviously have manufacturing plants in the countries where they have sales

Automobile Production in Millions / Thousands

Country          Autos      Year

China            30.160M   2023

US                10.060M   2022

Japan             7.836M   2022

India               5.457M   2022

S Korea          4.244M   2023

Germany        3.678M   2022

Mexico           3.509M   2022

Brazil             2.370M   2022

Spain             2.220M   2022

Thailand        1.884M   2022

Indonesia      1.470M   2022

France          1.383M   2022

Turkey          1.353M   2022

Canada        1.229M   2022

Czech R       1.224M   2022

Iran               1.064M   2022

Slovakia       1.000M   2022

UK                1.025M   2022

Italy                 796K    2022

Malysia           702K    2022

Russia            720K    2023

S Africa          556K    2022

Argentina       537K    2022

Romania        513K    2023

Poland           484K    2022

Moracco        465K    2022

Hungary        442K    2022

Uzbekistan    334K    2022

Portugal        322K    2022

Belgium        277K    2022

Taiwan          261K    2022

Sweeden      239K    2022

Pakistan       235K    2022

Vietnam        232K    2022

Kazakhstan  112K    2022

Austria         107K    2022

Netherlands 101K    2022

Philippines    92K     2022

Finland         73K     2022

Slovenia       68K     2022

Colombia     51K     2022


In the 1970s, most automobiles sold to US consumers were made in the US at GM, Ford and Chrysler.  Chrysler was bought by Fiat and ended up with Stellantis in the Netherlands. In the 1960s, we saw VW Beetles and Vans and Mercedes and Jaguars. In the 1980s we saw Toyota and Honda take market share from US automakers. By the 2000s, it looked like US automakers would fail to recover from competition from Japan and S Korea.

Rolls Royce revenue in 2023 was 5.7B pounds.

China is the big winner in Asia with a population of 1.4 billion. The Chinese all buy Chinese cars.  In 2022, 65% of Chinese families lived in Urban Cities and 51% had a car. China’s per capita GDP is $12,000 per year.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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