Saturday, February 24, 2024

Compensation in the US 2-24-24

US  Average annual salaries by occupation for 147.866 million employees range from $30,000 for light work to $50,000 for technicians to $100,000 for engineers to $246.440 for CEOs. 

Compensation costs peaked in 2022 at 1.4% and declined in 2023 to 0.9%.

Median weekly earnings of full-time workers were $1,145 in the fourth quarter of 2023. $59,540 per year.

The BLS Productivity increase for 2023 was low at 1-2%.

In Q2 2023 Job gains were 8.1 million, job losses were 7.8 million with net job gains of 332,000.

Computer and mathematical occupations had employment of 5.0 million and an annual mean wage of $108,130 in May 2022. Software developers was the largest computer and mathematical occupation, with 1.5 million jobs and an annual mean wage of $132,930.

Wage and Salary information is available on-line.,11.htm lists salaries for jobs from Cashier $18k, Administrative Assistant $35k, Carpenter $39.9k, Fire Fighter $42k, Chef $47k, Plumber $49.1k, Home Care Nurse $62k, etc.

Rental costs have quietly doubled over the past 20 years.


US workers who earn less than $30,000 per year need to either have a spouse that also makes $30,000 per year or a roommate who makes $30,000 per year to pay for shelter. Rent costs in the US average $1372 per month. The US average Apartment Rent costs is $1702 for 900 sq feet. Apartment rent in big cities is higher and is lower in smaller cities. If $1500 per month is a good average, annual apartment rent is $18,000 per year. 36% of US households are renting.

When you add food inflation and energy inflation, It requires an annual household income of $60,000 to make ends meet.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody Tea Party Leader

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