Thursday, February 15, 2024

Quit the UN 2-15-24

The US contributes $12 billion to UN activities. We are funding an enemy. 

The League of Nations was established by the US, UK, Russia and China in 1920 after World War 1 to prevent war. It failed and was replaced by the United Nations in 1945 after World War 2.  It also failed. It was not replaced but continues as an anti-US, anti-capitalist, Marxist, Globalist parasite.

It is responsible for UN Agenda 21 based on the global warming hoax and promotes the abolition of countries and the establishment of a global Marxist dictatorship. The US should defund the UN and move its headquarters to Belgium.

The United Nations was established by Woodrow Wilson and began with 51 member nations. There are currently 193 member nations.

The work of the United Nations covers five main areas:

  • Maintain International Peace and Security.
  • Protect Human Rights.
  • Deliver Humanitarian Aid.
  • Support Sustainable Development and Climate Action.
  • Uphold International Law.

The UN budget is $3.4 billion a year. They are a bureaucracy that pretends to impact the five main areas they claim to control.

75 of 184 member countries are free democracies.  The 109 country majority are ruled by dictators, Marxists and Globalists who want to establish a one world government. Most of their funding is from the free democracies. We are funding our enemies.

In 2023, the US contribution to maintaining the UN bureaucracy was $11.4M. The US contribution to the UN Green Climate Change Fund was $1 billion

The United States remains the largest donor to the United Nations. It contributed more than $12 billion in 2021, accounting for just under one-fifth of funding for the body's collective budget. 

In 2021, Biden resumed funding streams paused under Trump, including for the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).  

The only solution to maintaining international peace and security is to elect Trump to handle countries and groups who misbehave and replace war with total economic isolation for bad actors.

Treaties between allied countries should include agreements to enforce total economic isolation to any country that attacks or invades another country. If this had been the common practice in 1914, World War I might have been prevented.

Trump proved this to be true from 2016 to 2020 when he isolated Iran and Russia by increasing US oil and natural gas production. This also stimulated the Saudis to explore supplementing their oil revenue with other economic activities.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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