Sunday, February 11, 2024

Election Integrity 2-11-24

Voting machines will not be certified for the 2024 election. 

The 2024 election should return Trump to the Presidency and Republicans to the Senate, but Democrats are intent on adding “chaos” to the mix. Their playbook is “Rules for Radicals” by Saul Alinsky, a US Marxist. Their latest stunt is to attempt to remove Trump from the Ballot. They will use the same methods of election fraud they used in 2020. Voting Machine integrity is still in question.

Trump is calling for “paper ballots”, but Democrat States are not likely to use paper ballots. Democrats were successful in 2020 and they will rely on the same methods in 2024.

The 2020 election confirmed several things. Most Judges are “Democrats” who refused to hear Trump’s cases.

Most Lawyers are “Democrats” and we elect them to our legislatures. They were taught in Law School to support Case Law instead of Original Intent. The Supreme Court has a long record of making mistakes they correct in later opinions. “Democrats” include RINOs. We elect Judges who don’t put their Case Findings on their websites, so we have no idea who they are. All other Judges are appointed. Most County Election Officials and election staffs in big US cities are Democrats.

It is unclear whether or not the 2024 election will be clean. States have always controlled elections and US House Republicans are stuck with US Senate Democrats. No new laws can be passed to ensure election integrity in 2024.

Democrat States are attempting to pass laws banning Trump from their ballots. The Colorado law was stopped by the Colorado Supreme Court. The appeal of this ruling has been heard by the US Supreme Court. If Trump wins this case, other Democrat States will stand down. It is clear in the US Constitution that State Legislatures control their election laws and this is the problem.  In the 2020 election, Democrat States allowed ballot harvesting and failed to ensure Absentee Ballot integrity. The Supreme Court refused to hear the Republican objections in 2020. 

We need new tools to prevent Election corruption and fraud.  Congress needs to employ AI to confirm voter citizenship and death certificate removal from the eligible voter list.  We also need to test all voting machines to ensure that they can’t be hacked to add phony votes and remove valid votes from the data or allow Democrat election workers to remove and replace whole ballots. States should ensure that their voting laws are in compliance with their constitutions and voting places should include ballot count monitoring. Non-citizens should not be allowed to vote and voters must present proof of citizenship and their identity via drivers license before voting. Absentee ballots should be tightly controlled. Identity theft should be prevented. I prefer voting at my precinct on voting day and using my drivers license as proof of citizenship. I notice that non-citizens can get drivers licenses and wonder if they use it to register and vote. Democrats have a history of committing voter fraud.

In 1945, my parents moved from St. Louis to Hallettsville Texas so my Dad could complete his Masters in Cotton Research Technology at Texas A&M.  We were dinner guests at the LBJ Ranch in 1946. My uncle John was the Director of Research at Texas A&M and was also the Secretary of Agriculture for Texas, so he knew Lyndon Johnson who was running for Congress in 1946. The next day I remember my uncle John walking into our back yard and my Dad asked how did Lyndon do in the election.  Uncle John said “Everybody who ever lived in those counties voted for Lyndon last night”.  My brother later explained to me that Lyndon Johnson hired dozens of folks in the district to drive to every polling place and vote for all the people who had died, but were not removed from the voting list. They did not have to show their drivers licenses to prove their identity. Democrats are experts at election fraud and should not be ignored.

We still see election fraud where vote counts are higher than voter registration counts or even total populations. We know that Democrats want illegal immigrants to vote and most States use drivers’ licenses to “confirm” their identity.  We know that some States don’t remove “dead voters” from their Voter Rolls and many Democrat Voters change their home address and States. 

16 states allow undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses:









New Jersey

New Mexico

New York






You will still need to provide identification documents (such as a foreign birth certificate, foreign passport, or consular card) and evidence of your current residency in the state to get licensed in these states.

Most countries do not issue drivers’ licenses to non-citizens, but instead they allow non-citizen visitors the right to use their own home-country drivers’ licenses. We should do this in the US.

We are distracted with news about wars, the economy, crime, immigration numbers and protests, but hear nothing about our election integrity.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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