Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Problems in the Middle East 2-13-34

The problems began when Mohammad founded the Muslim Faith in 610AD, with the “Convert or die” directive. Mohammad took over Mecca in 630AD and ordered the destruction of all pagan gods. He sent armies to seize the Arabian Peninsula in 632AD and died.  Muslims invaded Spain in 711AD and were removed in 1492.


The Crusades chronicled 152 years of Muslim invasions of Jerusalem and Christian crusades to reclaim Jerusalem.

The Crusades Timeline and Dates:

First Crusade: 1096-1099.

Second Crusade: 1145-1149.

Third Crusade: 1189-1192.

Fourth Crusade: 1202-1204.

Children's Crusade: 1212.

Fifth Crusade: 1217-1222.

Sixth Crusade: 1228-1229.

Seventh Crusade: 1248-1254.

Muslims persisted in their attempts to overthrow the Christian hold on Jerusalem and Constantinople.

In 1453, Muslims take Constantinople

Islam spread rapidly, because the “Convert or die” message was effective. Mohammad’s armies were told that Allah has commanded them to invade neighboring countries, rape, pillage, steal, destroy and kill everybody who won’t convert to Islam.  This was a very popular mandate for an army full of Psychopaths.

The Problems in the Middle East stem from propaganda taught from elementary school forward. Islamic schools teach hatred of Christians and Jews. When the State of Israel was reestablished by the UN in 1948, the Jews and Muslims had lived together peacefully. But in 1948, Jews were attacked by Muslim Extremists and that began the conflict. Muslim refugees settled in a UN refugee camp that eventually became Palestine. They were joined by other criminally insane Arab Muslims sent by the other Arab countries.

Muslims have been attacking Israel off and on for 75 years from 1948 to 2023. It is doubtful and would be unwise for Israel to continue to consider a two-state solution. They are now surrounded by other hostile countries like Syria and Lebanon. Muslim Terrorists are also attacking Israel through Iran proxies like Hamas in Gaza, the Houthis and Al Ql Qaida  in Yemen and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Islamic Terror Organization are listed as:

Al-Qa'ida in the Arabian. Peninsula (AQAP)

Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)

Afghan Taliban.

Al-Nusrah Front.


Ansar al-Sharia.

Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis (ABM)

Al-Qa'ida Core (AQ)


There have been other Islamic Terror groups like Isis that were not included on the list above.

The US will need to impose total economic isolation on Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. Israel will need to absorb Gaza and move its borders to Egypt. Muslims in Gaza should be moved to Iran, because nobody else wants them.

Total economic isolation is today’s equivalent of the banishment Abraham imposed on his son Ishmael and his wife Sarah’s slave Hagar when they posed a threat to Isaic, Abraham’s heir. It’s no different that when a family banishes a drug addicted or alcoholic family member until they clean up. The Abraham Accords offer a beginning of reconciliation of Abraham’s long separated family members. The incentive for this is the need in the Middle East Muslim countries to focus on improving their lives. Their schools should teach more useful lessons and stop teaching hatred of non-Muslims. 

The Abraham Accords point the way forward for Arab countries. Hopefully they will change their school curriculum to exclude hatred of Western countries. This could result in an end to “Convert or Die” tactics no longer needed by Muslims.

If Arab countries want to survive, they will need to change their anti-western views.

Shia Muslims are radical and don’t mix well with Western Culture. Western countries should not allow them to immigrate to Western countries. Sunni Muslims are less radical, but often side with the Shia in objecting to Western Culture and US Policy. If Shia and Sunni Imams could reconcile their differences and remove Allah’s demand that they kill everybody, that could help. 

Marxist groups in the US have arranged for Pro-Palestine Protests in the US. This is a scam and should be stopped. US Marxists use our own freedoms to undermine our laws.  Protest sites should not include public spaces. Protest should not be allowed on public streets and highways, near commercial or residential areas. They should be confined to public parks or stadiums.  Most of the US laws are made to allow US commerce to function and fund the US economy.  When laws impinge on US commerce, those laws need to be discarded, updated and replaced.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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