Thursday, February 22, 2024

Electric Vehicle Sales 2-23-24

2,926,500 Electric Vehicles were sold in the US from 2021 through 2023. Most Federal Subsidies were $7500 per vehicle. A good estimate of the cost to taxpayers was $219.4875 billion for subsidies. 

In 2020, 308,000 EVs were sold in the US.

In 2021, 608,000 EVs were sold in the US.

In 2022, just under 918,500 light electric vehicle sales.

In 2023, more than 1.4 million electric vehicles were sold in the United States 

There are currently 2,442,270 electric vehicles registered in the United States. Nov 23 2023.

EVs stop working after 10 years and could account for the drop in “registered vehicles”. › blog › electric-vehicles-stats

Tesla batteries are supposed to last from 300,000 miles to 500,000 miles.

Source: Google


EVs are still on the drawing board until they solve the 10 year life-cycle, or 100,000 mile life-span for cheaper models. They also need to lower the cost. It took the US over 20 years to lower the cost of flat-screen TVs from $5000 to $500, but we had to send all manufacturing to China and other low wage countries to get the price down.

The unnecessary $220 billion in subsidies are being put on the US Credit Card and are landing on the National Debt and increasing the Federal Budget Deficit interest to $1 trillion. The US Federal Government is in the exact same place as the Roman Empire was in 400AD, we are going broke and need to pull back on Federal Government spending.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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