Sunday, November 18, 2018

Government Family Intrusion

Socialism is being imposed through family law in the US. The reasons for the increase in homeless families are the dangerous, toxic laws that can backfire on “helpful parents, relatives and grandparents”. 

If a parent, relative or grandmother slaps her intoxicated adult child to keep her from grabbing the car keys, the grandmother is arrested for assault according to current domestic violence laws. 

The drug addicted child has the legal status of a “resident” and that entitles them to remain in the parents, relatives or grandparents’ home and do any amount of damage they like without being arrested for “vandalism” of property they don’t own. 

Under current “resident” laws, the parents, relatives or grandparents need to issue an “eviction notice” that allows the drug-addicted child to remain in the home for 30 days. If the drug-addicted child leaves their grandparents’ home voluntarily and is allowed reentry to the house, they regain “resident” status and must be formally evicted like a tenant.. Parents and grandparents are “required” to allow their drug-addicted child to become “homeless”. 

The parents, relatives and grandparents have lost their property rights. They are no longer allowed to banish their drug-addicted children. Other socialist laws have been added to discourage home ownership. 

A city land use plan can require homeowners to allow the city to build multi-use paths through their property, so the city can achieve “connectivity”. 

Sidewalks are provided based on the city funding their construction, but the homeowner is then forever responsible for maintaining it and replacing it at their own expense. City employees make this determination. 

The property easements on homes is often excessive and home buyers need to take a hard look at the plat before they buy the home.  Cities do not pay homeowners for the easements if the city seizes the homeowner’s property. 

Rural counties offer property tax discounts to farmers if they sign a Conservation Easement agreement, but the county then gains control over the property and can restrict the property owner from using the property to make a living. Farmers may not be allowed to set up roadside markets on their property. Farmers may also be restricted in all other activities on their property. 

The US history of government involvement with family issues was local and limited. There were no federal laws or programs for family problems. If children lost parents and became orphans, grandparents and siblings stepped in to take care of and raise the children. When this was not handled by the family, churches and local communities established orphanages that served as boarding-schools. When orphanages were not available, orphans became “wards of the state” and government became the parent. 

But government is prone to expanding beyond its intended purpose. This is especially true when elected officials have special interest groups who fund their political campaigns. Politicians are eager to pass laws to solve new “problems”. But this opens the door for unconstitutional intrusion and expands into government abuse of citizens. The end game is over-reach, where citizens are forced to defend themselves in a judicial system that requires expensive lawyers. 

The other group that benefits from government intrusion is government employees who are looking for job security. All of this unconstitutional intrusion by government is based on a lie. The truth is that politicians work in behalf of their campaign contributors and do not work for the voters. The collusion between the politicians, benefitting groups and the government employees is called the “Deep State”.  In this case, judges, lawyers, police and politicians are the “Deep State”. 

Politicians need to stop pretending that they work for the voters.  Everyone knows they work for the special interests who give them big campaign contributions and threaten them with actions that would make them loose the next election. Politicians also work to expand government and their solutions are designed to expand control by the state. 

This is the “nanny state” in most cases and the “police state” when police arrest citizens for “crimes” with no charges filed by the victim. Police are allowed to seize cash and property, have vehicles impounded and invade homes with “no knock warrants” in the middle of the night. Government agencies can seize property and bank accounts and levy fines. 

Voters can only hope that these special interests do not want their “public servants” to pass more laws that will allow more abuse of voters, but that isn’t where we are.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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