Monday, November 19, 2018

US Immigration Problem

Immigrants have taken US jobs for decades. The US continues to accept 1 million Immigrants per year to take US jobs. The US Labor Force Participation Rate that measures employment of US citizens age 16 to 65 is 62.9%.

The US is reducing the number of “refugees” from the UN and has sealed the Mexican border to prevent more illegal immigration.  We have about 30,000 illegals working in the US.

For decades, the US admitted about 2 million legal and illegal immigrants each year since 1989.  We also created about 2 million jobs, but most were either minimum wage jobs or government jobs. That left our 2 million new grads with no jobs.

We need to restore our immigration policies to require that immigrants are able to support themselves.  We need to eliminate chain migration, the immigration lottery, UN refugees and anchor babies. These have resulted in an unnecessary increase in welfare migrants to the US.

We also off-shored US manufacturing to China and other countries and are now in the process of trying to return these manufacturing jobs back to the US to restore the middle class.

We have reduced the US corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% and allowed a tax break so US corporations could return their overseas earning to the US. This should allow the US to “grow” our economy. We are using Tariffs to negotiate bi-lateral trade deals.

Our national debt is $21 trillion and we need to reduce government spending and need to end welfare for immigrants.

We need to privatize government controlled industries to the private sector and return unconstitutional federal government functions to the States.  We need to eliminate socialist policies and subsidies to restore the free market private sector economy to lower our education and healthcare costs.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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