Wednesday, September 11, 2019

British History

After Rome’s exit from Britain in 410 AD, they reverted to multiple smaller kingdoms the size of dukedoms.

In 802 AD, these dukedoms had been absorbed by kings and remained independent from the Holy Roman Empire.

The Holy Roman Empire was a feudal monarchy established in 800 AD that encompassed present-day Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria, the Czech and Slovak Republics, as well as parts of eastern France, northern Italy, Slovenia, and western Poland at the start of the early modern centuries.

British rule in 802 AD was established by dominance of ruling British kingdoms and their heirs. The first dynasty was Wessex. The Kings of Britain included:

House of Wessex
Egbert 802-839
Aethelwulf 829-858
Aethelbald 858-860
Aethelberht 860-866
Aetheried I 866-871
Alfred the Great 871-899
Edward the Elder 899-925
Athelstan 925-939
Edmund the Magnificent 939-946
Eadred 946-955
Eadwig All-Fair 955-959
Edgar the Peaceable 959-975
Edward the Martyr 975-978
Aetheired II the Unready 979-1016
Edmund II Ironside 1016

Danish Kings
Svein Forkbeard 1014
Cnut           1016-1035
Harold I       1035-1040
Hardicnut    1040-1042

Saxon Kings
Edward the Confessor 1042-1066
Harold II 1066

Norman Kings
Willian I 1066-1087
William II 1087-1100
Henry I 1100-1135
Stephen 1135-1154
Queen Maud 1141

Plantagenet Kings
Henry II 1154-1189
Richard I 1189-1199
John 1199-1216
Henry III  1216-1272
Edward I 1272-1307
Edward II 1307-1327
Edward III 1327-1377
Richard II 1377-1399

Lancaster Kings
Henry IV 1399.1413
Henry V 1413-1422
Henry VI 1422-1461

York Kings
Edward IV 1461-1483
Edward V 1483
Richard III 1483-1485

Tudor Kings
Henry VII 1485-1509
Henry VIII 1509-1547
Edward VI 1547-1553
Jane Grey 1553
Mary I 1553-1558
Elizabeth I 1558-1603

Stuart Kings
James I 1603-1625
Charles I 1625-1649

Commonwealth Ruler
Oliver Cromwell 1649-1658
Richard Cromwell 1658-1659
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er religion and internal squabbles.  kings, little or not rights.
Stuart Kings
Charles II 1660.1685
James II   1685-1688
William & Mary 1689-1702
Anne 1702-1714

Hanover Kings
George I 1714-1727
George II 1727-1760
George III 1760-1820
George IV 1820-1830
William IV 1830-1837
Victoria 1837-1901

Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Kings
Edward VII 1901-1936

George V 1910-1936
Edward VIII 1936-1936
George VI 1936-1952
Elizabeth II 1952 - present

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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