Monday, December 2, 2019

Accepting Human Nature

We are mammals with instincts for survival, but we must  “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. We live in families, but are each responsible for becoming self-supporting. Our first responsibilities are to learn to walk, talk, go potty, bathe and dress ourselves.  Next, we learn to read, write, do math, get along with others and not break things or hurt ourselves. We instinctively know we are sovereign beings with free will and mobility, but we are responsible for developing self-discipline. The goal is independence so we can be self-supporting and be free to use our talents.

Parents and families need to help prepare children to become civilized, self-reliant and able to make good decisions. Parents need to know there is a balance between being civilized and self-reliant. Using humor and logic is preferable to using edicts, manipulation and bribery.

Parents need to love their children, accept them for who they are and encourage them to be the best they can be. Children need to avoid behaviors that make them “unlikable” and self-defeating.

All children are different. They are all interested in different things at different times. Answering their questions is helpful to them and gives parents good information. Children need opportunity and encouragement to discover what they do well and enjoy doing. Children’s accomplishments fuel their ability to achieve self-actualization.

Fun is the most important thing in families. This is accomplished by injecting heavy doses of humor. Fun is free and occurs between people with humor. Kids need to become addicted to fun. Humor is our global common language.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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