Monday, December 16, 2019

Government Reform

Citizens in all countries will continue to push to improve their standards of living. Citizens will continue to put their families first. This requires gaining national sovereignty, rejecting Socialist policies, reducing government spending and increasing the size of their private sector economies.

Governments in all countries need to improve their Economic Freedom and Ease of Doing Business by removing unnecessary costs, laws and regulations to allow Citizens to improve their living standards. Where governments are partnered with their citizens to pursue citizen prosperity, this works. Where governments operate to only benefit their industries and benefactors, citizens don’t prosper.

In undeveloped countries, families require food, water, shelter and sanitation and are primarily responsible for providing these for themselves. Where these are missing, governments’ first priority is to ensure that citizens are free to improve their living conditions.

In developed countries where living costs are higher, families need increased economic opportunities, lower taxes and lower government spending. Government controlled industries need to be privatized. Taxes in Europe are entirely too high. Gasoline taxes, VAT taxes and excessive Debt to GDP need to be cut in half. Public Transit, Healthcare and Pensions need to be privatized.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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