Monday, December 2, 2019

Global Humanity

Human beings across the globe share the same basic human needs and behaviors. Families form to raise children to survive, thrive and succeed in their countries and regions. The skills children are expected to need are based on local conditions and the means of self-support available.

Children are taught how to behave by parents and families, but are also subject to their unique cultures and religions. Tribal rules and traditions are still taught and followed in undeveloped countries and dominate their moral code of responsibilities.

Skills exist on the normal curve for all human beings. These skills include physical abilities and mental abilities. High skills are recognized and encouraged by family members and teachers.

Developed countries offer opportunities to the highly skilled raised in villages who do not offer the opportunities that match these skills.

Free will is evident in the decisions of children to pursue certain skills and is also seen in their choices to leave their childhood home regions to relocate to developed countries.

Freedom of association is exercised in the decisions children and adults make on who they choose to associate with. These associations are often made because of common interests.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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