Thursday, December 19, 2019

US Political Campaign Costs

US political campaign costs need to be reduced by restricting contributions to US citizen registered voters for candidates who appear on their ballots. Candidates should be required to post their full resumes and positions on issues on their websites. Politicians need to work for their voters and be completely dependent on their voters for campaign contributions.

Presidential campaign costs are up to $2.4 billion Campaign costs for US House and Senate seats totaled $2 billion It costs $20 million to $100 million to run for the US Senate and it costs

82 Presidential candidates raised $337.1 million and spent $159.9 million in the first six months of the 2019-2020 election cycle, according to campaign finance reports filed with the Federal Election Commission that cover activity from January 1, 2019 through June 30, 2019.
Congressional candidates collected $389 million and disbursed $172.2 million, political parties received $353.7 million and spent $279.9 million, and political action committees (PACs) raised $958.2 million and spent $818.7 million in the six-month period. Disbursements for independent expenditures reported in this period totaled $11.3 million. Communication costs reported to the Commission totaled $52,649.

The amount spent on the presidential race alone was $2.4 billion, and over $1 billion of that was spent by the campaigns of the two major candidates: Barack Obama spent $730 million in his election campaign, and John McCain spent $333 million. – Source: Internet Search.

Presidential Race Spending on huffpost reports different numbers:
2008  - Obama $750M McCain $250M
2012 – Obama $800M Romney $550M
2016 -  Clinton $600M Trump $300M

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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