Monday, December 2, 2019

US Media Failure

The purpose of this blog is to offer articles that cover serious topics with more rigor than we find in the US media. These topics focus on economics and prosperity. My “bottom line” conclusions are based on experience, facts, evidence and history. The articles scream for reforms in government and corporations and offer individual strategies to avoid failure.
The news media refuses to cover the destructive “unintended consequences” of the “good intentions” we find in bad ideas and bad law. The news media is happy to cover trivia.

The media is politicized and refuses to “rock the boat”. The US has been experiencing its own bloodless, slow rolling “Bolshevik Revolution” since 1913. It is now coming to a head. American Communists have taken over US education and have turned our classrooms into Marxist indoctrination camps.

Barry Kibrick’s PBS video aired on 10/13/19 addressed the disconnection between what’s covered in the mainstream media and what people actually need to know.

‘What’s worse than fake news is that good, true, actual, factual, more important news is never reported’ - Barry Kibrick

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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