Wednesday, December 4, 2019

US Manufacturing Restoration

US imports in 2018 totaled $3.1 trillion.   US exports in 2018 totaled $2.5 trillion. The US Trade Deficit in 2018 was $621 billion

The US Trade Deficit in Manufactured Goods needs to be reduced to produce Middle Class Jobs and restore the US economy.

Capital Goods Imports to US in 2018 totaled $693 billion.
Capital Goods Exports from US in 2018 totaled $562 billion.
The $131 billion US Capital Goods Deficit should be easy to reduced as more manufacturing plants are added in the US.

Rural cities in the US lost these plants over the past 20 years and need these manufacturing jobs to restore their local economies. The US is more than capable of recapturing plants to produce goods for US consumers and supply chains and compete on the basis of price and quality.

The US won WWI and WWII because US manufacturing was converted to produce military goods. US electronics, steel, aluminum, auto, airplane and ship-building needs to be strengthened to serve as a deterrent to enemy hostile actions.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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