Saturday, December 14, 2019

US China Trade Deficit

The US has cut its 2019 Trade Deficit with China by $125.07 billion as of October 2019 using Tariffs. This is a 30% reduction accomplished in 10 months.

In 2018, the US exported $120.15 billion to China and imported $539.68 billion from China. The US Trade Deficit with China was $419.53 billion.

In 2019 so far, the US exported $87.65 billion to China and imported $382.11 billion from China. The 2019 US Trade Deficit with China through October 2019 was $294.46 billion.

The US total Trade Deficit with all countries as of October 2019 was $724.2 billion.  US Exports were $1,372.5 billion and US Imports were $2,096.7 billion.

75% of our foreign trade comes from out top 15 trading partners. We Import $1644.0 billion from these countries and Export $968.0 billion to these countries. The US trade deficit with these 15 countries is $676 billion as of October 2019.

Our top 15 trading partner countries by Deficit.

Country  US Imports US Exports US Deficit
China       $382.1B     $87.6B       $294.5B
Mexico     $301.3B     $216.4B     $84.5B
Japan       $120.6B     $61.9B       $58.7B
Germany  $106.8B     $50.7B       $56.1B
Ireland      $51.6B       $7.5B         $44.1B 
Italy          $49.7B       $20.1B        $29.6B
Canada    $267.2B     $246.8B      $20.4B
India         $48.9B       $28.6B       $20.3B
Taiwan     $45.0B       $25.7B        $19.3B
S. Korea   $64.6B       $46.8B       $17.8B
France      $49.2B       $31.5B       $17.7B
Brazil        $35.5B       $25.9B        $9.6B
Total Trade Deficit                         $672.6B

Our top 15 trading partner countries by Surplus

Country  US Imports  US Exports  US Surplus
Vietnam       $55.4B         $9.1B        $46.3B
Netherlands $24.9B         $42.4B       $17.6
UK               $52.5B         $57.2B       $4.7B
Total Trade Surplus                           $68.6B

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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