Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Democrats Undermine the US Constitution

Democrats do not support the US Constitution (as originally written).  When they refer to being guided by the US Constitution, they are referring to the Constitution as a “living document” that is riddled with Court errors called “case law”. Democrats oppose “Originalist” Judges being appointed to the Courts.

The scores published by Conservative Review prove that Democrats habitually vote to remain non-compliant with the US Constitution (as written). Democrat Scores range from 0% to 22%, indicating an absolute distain for the Constitution.

“Robert’s Rules of Order” was first published in 1876.
It containing roughly 700 pages of formalized parliamentary procedures modeled after the U.S. House of Representatives procedures in use at that time.

The US Congress uses an over-designed, weaponized version of Robert’s Rules. These Rules ensure that any consequential business brought before Congress can be easily scuttled. It also ensures that trivial and seriously flawed and destructive business is encouraged.

Congressional actions remain drawn-out, boring and painfully slow. They spend all of their time dualling for advantage. They give no thought to actions and omissions that damage the US economy. Congress has confirmed their inability to do anything useful.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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