Friday, February 9, 2018

Article V Convention Suicide

By Scott Bradley

Bradley is a Constitutional Scholar calling for “Americanists” to arise. He is warning about the real dangers involved in calling an Article V Convention. When 2/3s of States, 34 States, call for an Article V Convention it will happen.

In 1983, the balanced budget amendment Article V convention was called for. This got 32 States to vote yes. We almost did it. The States did this to bluff Congress into passing a balance budget amendment, but they didn’t.

All Amendments we ever passed had Congress do this by sending it out for the States to ratify. We have never authorized an Article V Convention. Completely changing the Constitution requires that 9 of 13 States ratify it. So 69% of the States would need to vote for the new constitution; if they do, it’s done.

States lost their seat at the table. Senators were originally elected by the legislatures of the States, but it was changed by the 17th Amendment that was adopted in 1913. Before that, if the federal government overspent, the States were billed based on population. The State legislatures didn’t want the hassle and the blame for collecting the money.

The House has always operated fast and loose, buying votes by getting their special interest’s pork bills passed, The Senate was designed to protect the States. Senators could take the blame for cutting the budget. After the 17th Amendment passed, It was no longer necessary to remove the pork from the budget.

In the 1800s the federal overspending invoice was low and remained low at $28 per person, even after the Civil War. Now if we billed the citizens, the invoice would be $2000 per person. If you count unfunded liabilities, our real debt is $1 million per person.

2/3s of both houses are required to approve a balanced budget amendment and then send it to the states. But Congress doesn’t really want to have to balance the budget.
3/4ths of States are required to ratify amendments.

Half of Utah’s budget comes from federal dollars, so Utah won’t want the federal government to be forced to balance their budget. With too many States on the take, a balanced budget amendment wouldn’t be ratified.

The rules Congress follows allows them to raise the debt ceiling anyhow. The Congress currently refuses to follow the Constitution (as written). 80% of our revenue is unconstitutional.

President James Madison rejected the Article V 1788. Those who would be elected by State legislatures to be delegates to a Constitutional Convention are far too corrupt to be trusted to do this.

The answer is to only elect politicians who will return the government to compliance with the current US Constitution (as written).

See video:

The Marxists are ready to replace the original US Constitution with the “New States Constitution” based on the constitution used by the Soviet Union. The purpose of this is to start another civil war between Conservatives who reject losing their property rights and Communists who want to adopt the New States Constitution. Government officials would all be appointed, not elected by the citizens. We would be the USSA, The United Socialist States of America.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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