Friday, February 23, 2018

School Shooting Deterrent

Trump is right. Schools need to batten down that hatches on their schools.


Large companies have enlisted employee volunteers to serve in several capacities. Employees serve as “first responders for First Aid/CPR and Fire Brigade/Extinguisher Operators. Large companies have a single visitor entrance with a Receptionist or Security Guard controlling the entrance. Magnetic Card entry and cameras are standard.


Companies have a responsibility to maintain a safe workplace for employees. That’s why companies screen and interview applicants.  Companies have experience dissuading hostile visitors who have been fired as well as hostile spouses and boyfriends. This involves the Receptionist calling the Police to arrive and confront any unruly visitors. This is an effective deterrent to prevent these incidents.


Schools should have these groups and should add an armed, organized Security Team to respond to shooter incidents as a deterrent to school shooters. States should adopt this policy.  Each school facility needs a buzz-in single entry point for visitors and a password operated electronic locking system to control doors and a communications system for the Security Team. Reception should have a lock-down button to push and automatically alert the Police and the Security Team.


The message to the school shooters is that they would be arrested by the Police if they fail to get in to the school.  But once in the school they will be shot by the School Security Team before they can do any damage.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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