Sunday, February 18, 2018

Muslim Atrocities in Germany

Interview with Rebecca Sommer about Muslim Immigrants in Germany, 2/16/18


Recently we from published an article about German activist, artist and humanitarian Rebecca Sommer.

We were contacted by a friend of hers about certain inaccuracies and therefore contacted Rebecca. She was kind enough to send us a translated version of the original interview she made for Polish media. 

Rebecca Sommer is an internationally known German artist, journalist, photographer and award-winning filmmaker. She’s been living in Berlin since 2012.

Before returning to Germany, she worked as a non-governmental human rights advocate with special advisory status ECOSOC (UN Economic and Social Council) at United Nations headquarters as well as in Geneva.

She specializes in the rights of indigenous peoples. For over a decade, she worked with UNHCHR (United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights), with UNPFII (United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Peoples) and with UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees).

She participated in the negotiations regarding the Declaration of the Indigenous People Rights, and was part of the promotion that lead to the adoption in 2007 by almost all countries. She visited numerous indigenous peoples around the world and provided human rights documentation to the UN, organized various campaigns, reported human rights violations against indigenous peoples in UN reports, pictures, writing and films and publications. As a recognized indigenous peoples rights expert, she produced the film “Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations”, commissioned by the UN. In addition, she took part in climate negotiations (UNFCCC) and is member of Climate Justice Now.

She worked as an editor in major British magazines, such as “Scene”, “The Face” and “Spirit”, as well as in American magazines “Black Book” and “Madison”. She lived and worked in India, Great Britain, South Africa and the United States. Since 2012, she has been involved in the human rights of refugees in Europe, set up the Working group refugees+human rights (AG F + M), an initiative supporting refugees in Berlin.

N.O-S .: Rebecca, you have worked for many years with refugees and immigrants, you are a well-known human rights activist. Already years before the refugee wave 2015, you was a well-known person fighting for unlimited admission of these people to Germany. What influenced the change of your views?

Rebecca Sommer: I would like to point out that I have never endorsed “unlimited” admission of migrants, because it is impossible for any country to adopt indefinitely. I am a humanist and human rights activist.

For the first years I believed that people who come here are real refugees and are happy that they will be safe now and because of that they will show a good faith in order to adapt here and to integrate. But with time, step by step an unpleasant awakening came about.

The reasons for this were so complex that I just could not ignore them anymore. For sure, one of the main turning points was 2015 New Year’s Eve in Cologne. Then I finally had to admit to myself that that this behavior suits the overwhelming majority of Muslims, the way they see things, with whom I had to deal with in my life. In that moment I said to myself: “Rebecca, now you have to pull the emergency breaks, last but not least because as a human rights advocate you are obliged to focus also on women’s rights, with your responsibility to us, as a woman. 

I have tried to justify these constantly repeated patterns of behavior and mind set of most of the refugees, their way of perceiving the world, which is based on their religion, Islam, and their culture, for example in such a way – that they are new here. I believed that their medieval views would change over time. I placed great trust in our libertarian, equitable European and western values, and I naively thought that every person must welcome them and take them on. 

But after looking back through the years of repetitive experiences and my own work environment as a volunteer, I had to admit to myself that when it comes to Muslim refugees, they have grown up with completely different values. They have been passing through brainwashing and are indoctrinated by Islam and most have no intention of taking over our values – worse, they look at us „unbelievers“ with superiority and arrogance. I call it the „Kopftuch im Kopf“ (headscarf in the head).

And additionally, after their arrival here, many of them fall into the tentacles of fundamental Imams, (the political Islam imported from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran etc.) who strengthen and encourage their fundamentalism, that prohibits them to integrate with us “infidels“ and our way of life, prohibits the acceptance of our perception of the world and our scientific achievements. And unfortunately, the German state seems to have no longer any control over it.

Another good example which helped me to open my eyes, happened in 2016. I then learned the truth about a certain group of refugees, whom I looked after for a long time. They had become my friends in the meantime. I helped them during the asylum procedures, I dealt with their official matters, I got them apartments, furniture, cell phones, computers, clothing, courses, jobs, scholarships and spent countless free hours of my private time on their individual cases.

At a certain moment, I finally realized that these people were playing a wrong game with me Taqyyia. I was deceived by them, which disappointed me a lot. I was constantly warned against this Muslim misleading strategy, by people from Arab countries and Kurds who did not only flee from war zones, but had to flee from Muslims.

However, I did not want to listen to them. And suddenly it turned out that those people I did everything for, who drank, danced and laughed with me; who did not pray, did not go to the mosque, did not follow Ramadan, mocked religion and deeply religious people, they all, while eating my food and sitting in my garden, called me behind my back “a stupid German whore”. This not only hurt me a lot, because I was their friend, their sister and their mother, and I really trusted them, but it gave me another impulse to reflect. Because they were a living example and hope for a successful integration and also for friendship between Western-oriented and Arab-Muslim people. I helped them, protected and supported them and gave them real friendship. I accepted them with open arms in Germany and for this I got disrespect by their words and 
deeds as a “thank you”.
In the meantime,

I have organized the files of all the cases that I have ever worked on, or that I still work on, and I’m following the progress of my present and former mentees much more critically and accurately. As well as the cases of the other volunteers from our volunteering group.

Unfortunately, due to similar experiences, like mine, many people have quit volunteering and the new ones who are starting are as naive as I once was. But in contrast to what we are told in the media, not so many new volunteers are added, and others who have been doing this as long as me, many simply started to make money on it. From them you won’t hear about disappointment, it would not be in their interest.

N.O-S . And what has emerged from your tracking on the progress of immigrants?

Rebecca Sommer: Many still do not work and many still do speak sufficient German. And they stay among themselves, have little or no German friends. Others became even criminals. Others got radicalized. Or one finds out later, that they were al-Nusra or ISIS fighters who still admire these organizations. Of course, there are exceptions – they work, speak German, but the so-called “headscarf in the head “, the perception of themselves as Muslims, as something better, this indescribable haughtiness towards us, remains in the majority of cases after all. Since then, I have lost all my commitment and willingness to volunteer with those Muslims obviously glorifying the patriarchate. Now I recognize how they function.

Although I carry on with the open cases, I only accept new cases in which in my opinion, it’s about real refugees. Who have a reason to come here, to a secular state where women and men are equal before the law. Where we eat pork, where they could even sunbathe naked on the beach. This freedom is very precious and very fragile. If you only consider how many people suddenly come here, wearing their headscarf in their heads“, and change everything simply because of their amount in numbers. We see it already happening.

I became very cautious and extremely distrustful. I believe that those who don’t really need asylum with us should seek asylum or work and a better life in a Muslim country instead of trying to impose their misogynist, medieval values ​​on us, and over time simply hurt us all.

That is why I am now above all helping primarily women and religious minorities who have had to escape from Muslim countries: political refugees, journalists, Muslims who have renounced their faith and are therefore persecuted. And as I said, I am particularly happy to help women. There are some who now want to part from their husbands, with their new financial security, which they enjoy here in Germany. They were forcibly married and had to serve this man they hate inwardly for a lifetime with a smile. 

There is much psychological violence and rape in many of these Muslim marriages. The woman has no human worth, she is perceived as a sexual object and not as a partner, she is a workhorse and a birthing machine. This is her job as a good Muslim woman. Due to their financial independence in Germany, they can part from their husbands.

Most Muslims do not respect us, nor do they respect their women. Not everyone, I also know very sweet couples, but most of them. This also applies to Muslims with German citizenship. Islam gives this right. That’s why I am warning against it now. I saw enough, heard and experienced it. I have my facts.

N.O-S: You used the word taqiyya. How do you understand it and where did you come across this?

Rebecca Sommer: Almost no Europeans know the word Taqiyya. People who try to warn against this form of behavior are immediately stigmatized as racists, even if they themselves come from the same regions and cultural background as the immigrants, which we call without any differentiation refugees here in Germany. Taqiyya means “cheating, deceit”. Taqiyya (originally was supposed to protect Muslims against persecution – ed.), gives permission to Muslims to be insincere to us non-Muslims, if it serves the protection of Islam and Muslims.

There are various forms of lies that are allowed under certain circumstances in relations with non-Muslims, and Taqiyya is the best known. The circumstances are typically those that are promoting Islamic interests, as well as a single Muslim belonging to the Ummah collective – For example by gaining the trust of „unbelievers“ through a lie, which then makes them vulnerable and weak, and eventually they can be defeated. Undermining of trust is programmed here. A Muslim is allowed to deceive and lie to a non-Muslim, it is ethically not blameworthy as long as his deceit will further his interest or the interest of the Ummah collective. He does not have to be ashamed of it. In order to extract benefits from the unbeliever, they are allowed to pretend friendship or love, as long as they don’t mean it in their hearts. 

Thanks to the existence of taqiyya Muslims are free from any responsibility towards the unbeliever – this is my warning for women who deal with them! But especially for our politicians who enter into agreements with Islamic unions — no oath, even in the name of Allah, matters because of taqiyya, because Allah has dispensed his faithful from oaths towards unbelievers. There is only one condition: a liar must deeply believe in the Koran and Allah. Taqiyya even allows a Muslim to pretend that he is not a Muslim. He may say and do everything as long as it is used to, for example, gain the trust of a person. Or of a country.

Now think about what religious ideology we are dealing with! Taqiyya, I think, comes from Shiism, but it is also used, even if it is denied, by Sunnis and even allows eating haram (impure) dishes or pretending to be an atheist. So you have to be aware that saying the untruth to non-Muslims is not considered reprehensible in Muslim countries. And such a gullible German volunteer comes into contact with a culture he completely misunderstands.

Especially in the refugee volunteering work you notice after a while that many refugees, not all , but too many, manipulate you by deception to get as much and especially dedicated help from you, and above all, how fundamentally religious they are in reality and how much they reject our system of values and our society.

They all say similar stories: that they studied medicine, law or computer science, that their parents are dead, and that their minor brothers are dying of hunger on the streets of Turkey and we have to help them bring them here, or even that the whole family died in war. And we have to help this man – presenting himself as secular and moderately modern – to bring his beloved wife (who would live here just as free as us) and children.

Suddenly, aunts, uncles and parents appear in Germany, and suddenly the whole deceased family already has 15 people and owns three apartments. A younger brother arrives who, unlike what you have heard, is not defenseless at all, but actually was an Al Nusra’s fighter, his parents are not dead but live safely in Turkey, and the older brother is not a moderate Muslim at all. Or you find out that their diploma was bought. Or that their family is poor, but lived in safe territory in Syria and came to us to have a better life.

Either way, after successfully bringing family of the one who claims to be a moderate husband, you are asked if you can help him bring his second wife and children. This wife, presented as beloved and modern, arrives completely veiled and, according to her reports, is deeply unhappy, because he beats her and forbids her everything because he is a particularly deeply believing Muslim.

I learned from this that among Muslims, the exploitation of good hearted naivety-in their eyes weakness, is not condemned as something bad.

It is not „only“ the Islam, although it already offers enough potential for conflict. The socialization of these often very young new arrivals took place in archaic and tribal structures, where, for example, the blood revenge and the honor killing prevails. They come from violent cultures anyway, in which the law of the strongest applies and the use of force is a positively charged sign of masculinity and strength – and in which a concession (of the state, of other people, even more of women) is considered a sign of weakness, which of course has to be exploited.

They come from countries full of centuries-old ethnic conflicts (Sunni-Shiites, Muslim Christians, Arab Turks, Turks-Kurds, Arab-Africans, Arab-Persians, etc.), which are now being lived out in Germany in shelters and in public. But what unites them all is again the theology, the Islam, where they eventually become brothers – against us. It’s just a fact. All this is either not known or ignored by the responsible politicians, the Left, the Greens, the “Nobody is Illegal“ people, both of which are incomprehensible.

In this culture, what counts is strength and if you help someone just like that, out of a good heart, it does not fit in their understanding of the world. You are just stupid to them, which means weak. And so they perceive us – as fools, fallen society of weaklings. Most Europeans can’t understand this because it does not coincide with our reformed, enlightened, Christian-humanist values on which our culture is based. Of course, I know many individual exceptions, but they confirm the rule. I consider it important in dealing with Muslims to be open to everyone, I am still open and I have Muslim friends. However, if there are discrepancies in what they tell or in behavior, I recommend caution because of taqiyya.

N.O-S: You’ve also worked in refugee centers. What caught your attention?

Rebecca Sommer: There, people of many regions, cultures and religions meet, especially Muslim men, but also those who have been oppressed, persecuted, raped, tortured, and burned down by entire villages by Muslims. It creates a lot of tension. Most often, however, it comes to the suppression or at least the disrespecting of other faithful, non-believers by Muslims.

Muslims form the majority in the homes. Many seem to believe that they are a kind of “superior“ and those who do not profess to Islam are considered inferior. In a small area, these conflicts intensify. For example, there are situations when “infidels” are not supposed be with them at the same time in the shared kitchen space or laundry room and are arrogantly and even aggressively chased away.

Of course, as always, we have opposite situations when women from different religious and language groups made friends with each other in the kitchen, and not necessarily just for the sake of not being alone with the men in the shared kitchen. We have had several incidents of Muslim men bothering women, even Muslim women traveling alone. And we had even incidents where security was involved in such act, with a Turkish, Arab or even Roma migrant background. Here we have this phenomenon again — Muslims against “others”, no matter what country they come from. In followed up on a situation, where an Eritrean refugee was molested by a security guy. We had to report it to the police, but nothing was done about it.

N.O-S: You mentioned volunteers being molested. However, no information on that can be found in the press. Why?

Rebecca Sommer: The sexual molesting of volunteers happens all the time, but none of us has ever reported such a case to the police because none of us wanted to be seen as an opponent of refugees and cause problems for the refugee center. In this case, the same mechanism that worked for me is working for them — constant justification: he is new, he has no idea how to behave, he does not understand our culture. And this is how this behavior is justified, not associating it with the sense of superiority that these men have instilled by Islam towards “unbelievers“ and women. And especially over western “whores”, because they are coming from their homelands with such an idea about European women. In my group, molestment happened repeatedly here and there, especially to female volunteers teaching German and having contact with a given refugee several times a week.

One example: After a volunteer spent three months teaching German to a Syrian twice a week 1 1/2 hours, she was convinced that everything was going well. She was just trying to be kind and accepted the invitation from her pupil for a meal together. She just thinks that he wants to thank her for her help, and he thinks that the “whore” wants sex. It is not clear to the woman that she is regarded by many men from this cultural background as an infidel, immoral, a sex object – available to the man.

Because most refugees seem to be very nice and polite and well-behaved right at the beginning, so often they also operate the above mentioned Taqyyia. And then there was the very unpleasant surprise when the friendly — until now — refugee dragged her by her hair into the bathroom at the moment when she wanted to say goodbye. And the reason for this is that he cannot understand that she wants to go now. Because, why did the “whore” come alone to his room?

N.O-S: How would you describe the attitude of immigrants to women and broadly understood woman rights?

Rebecca Sommer: Especially when asking Muslim refugees about their attitude to basic human rights such as personal freedom, self-determination, equality between men and women, 75% admit that they disagree with them. That is why I am very worried when I see that more and more German girls and women enter in relationships with immigrants. They do not understand their culture and have no idea what most immigrants say about them among themselves. They do not know that many of them already have wives in their country of origin who will come to them as part of family reunification. Or that the cousin with whom his marriage was arranged waits only for permission to enter Germany.

The truth is that at the beginning, most younger Muslim refugees do not show their religiosity, they hide it – they drink and eat German dishes and take advantage of all the aspects and pleasure that such a relationship offers them. And these women think that their partner is an exception and that all circulating stories are not true. Even if there are among them people with moderate views who integrate and marry German or other women, I fear their intolerance then begins with their daughters.

In the end, almost everyone wants to have a subordinate Muslim woman, preferably wearing headscarf, of course, who does not wear short skimpy clothes, serves him, gives birth to children, has no male friends, who can be commanded, does not refuse him, does not leave the house without permission and obeys him in everything.

These marriages are not about love. Love belongs to the mother and family. The woman is always subordinate. She is an object with specific tasks. Western women are mattresses and a trampoline, and at the end they are also badly treated. For the very reason that they are “whores”, just because she slept with him. They are considered no good material for a wife.

If, however, such a woman wants to separate with such a man, it may happen that she is being killed for that. Just like what recently happened in Kandel. Or they will do anything to harm her good name. And here I always say — exceptions confirm the rule. I know those too. For now. We will see what will happen next.

N.O-S .: What is the gender ratio and level of education among this new immigration? We have heard that these are women and children who are fleeing the war and highly educated specialists.

Rebecca Sommer: The overwhelming majority of the so-called refugees and immigrants, including those from way before 2015, are men. However, in the recent years we have already had many family reunification cases, and on this basis, the refugee lobby creates myths about many women and children fleeing to Germany from bombs. During my work, by 2015, they were almost exclusively young men; I helped them, in a few cases I still help, bring their relatives to Germany, and I know that such procedures are carried out intensively all the time.

Most women brought to Germany are either pregnant, or already gave birth again in Germany. As for the level of education of Syrian refugees, who form the main part of the Muslim refugees who came to us from 2012 onwards, unfortunately I must admit that the majority of them have no adequate education at all.

I know that at the beginning the press reported that they are highly educated people and specialists in various fields, but it is simply not true. I myself disseminated such information, because I simply believed what the refugees told me. The truth is that this information was just repeated by everyone, but few journalists have ever met the refugees. An additional problem is that if these people really have some education, it is often not compatible with our system and they often need to start from scratch.

Most of them, like all young people, still have to learn something, have an apprenticeship, finish school, some are already studying. It costs millions. In many cases, I see that most Syrians are not and will not be able to support their family. People from Somalia, Nigeria – also very difficult when we talk about education.

What’s more, many are extremely aggressive, religiously fundamentalist. Refugees from Eritrea: the majority are peaceful Christians, you find also Muslims among them. The people from Eritrea, however, are quite different than those from the Middle East. In my experience, they have almost always insufficient education and are learning extremely slow German. I know cases where, after three years, they still do not know German, despite the many courses for which we all pay. Afghanistan, Pakistan — same thing. I took care of the refugees who had to start with ABC. Most live on welfare and I fear that it will remain so. Even if someone comes as a doctor or dentist from the Middle East, studies there are so different from ours that it will take a long time until they might be able to work here.

Of course there are also many positive exceptions. A Syrian friend finished his courses and works in pension insurance. A pharmacist has found a job. Another opened a restaurant. An educated Muslim architect from Eritrea found a job in a design office. There are also refugees who do not concentrate on education, right after completion of the obligatory German courses, they are looking for a job to earn money. As security in a refugee center or in supermarket’s such as Lidl. Others are redoing and passing their driver’s license and work as drivers.

 My protegée, a Syrian IT specialist, found a job very soon, currently earning 3,000 euros. However, it is worth mentioning that she is an atheist, completely cut herself off from religious Muslims. Because, she says, she has suffered her whole life as a modern and independently thinking woman under the yoke of Islam, and according to her, “all religious Muslims are the same.”

N.O-S: I have heard that the influx of new immigrants from Muslim countries also pose a threat to the liberal Muslims living here?

Rebecca Sommer: We have especially many women in Germany with an Arabic, Kurdish and Turkish background, coming from Muslim families who have lived here for many years, [women] who have successfully fought for their right to self-determination within their Muslim family structures. I have friends and acquaintances who have escaped honor killings and live with a different identity and escaped from the family that would murder them. Here, in Germany, think about it! They are educated, they are doctors, artists, teachers, social workers, professors and they don’t cover their hair. They live with their boyfriends without being married. And they’re enjoying the freedom that is normal in our country. And they tell me that in the area where many Muslims live, and now many immigrants from Arab countries flooding in, their freedom is being limited again. If such fundamental Muslims recognize in them a woman from their cultural background, they constantly approach her, criticizing sometimes even aggressively, her attire as too Western and even threatening her. Also female-refugees behave like that and instruct them to wear a headscarf and dress “decently”.  

We, as a state, much too often pay benefits to these people for their lack of integration and we look helplessly at threats and attacks on already integrated ones. We also have a clear regression — many of these women who live here for a long time, are wearing nowadays their head scarves again. In addition, the percentage of honor killings is constantly growing — let’s remember that in this culture a woman is a man’s property.

Disturbing situations shook the university in Hamburg recently: the school had to create a ten-point rule on personal and religious freedom in early October 2017 because Muslim male students bothered in an unacceptable manner Muslim females who didn’t wear headscarves, which disrupted the order of the entire university.

In the meantime, other forms of aggression — such as requests to remove pork from the cafeteria or separate prayer rooms for different sexes are happening on a regular basis. Above all, political Islam in Germany is trying hard, as they say, to get the foot in the door even deeper. Muslims are constantly trying to portray themselves as victims, complaining that they are offended or discriminated against, that the West is to blame for everything, ultimately leading everyone to give in, to retreat. Above all, our politicians. This is due to a false understanding of tolerance and the common belief that nobody should feel oppressed in Germany. But no one seems to realize that this is where our own values begin to be discriminated against, and we are discriminated against by Muslims. It makes me furious. I feel sorry for Germans, especially women. We have good intentions, but what we are harvesting is the loss of everything our grandmothers have fought so hard to obtain.

N.O-S: I have heard from Seyran Ates from the Berlin’s liberal mosque that forced marriages are a very big problem in Germany.

Rebecca Sommer: I love Seyran Ates, she is a wonderful and courageous woman. Yes, because of the rapid increase in the number of Muslims from Turkey, Middle East and the Balkans, we have more and more forced marriages and even child trafficking. We have already reported such cases to the police, but the police and offices have a tough nut to crack with such matters. There were even excuses that it “is part of their culture”. So suddenly we have two legal systems valid in one country! Sometimes the problem is also the fact that such a girl does not want to leave her husband because she knows nothing other than the culture in which she was brought up. This is what government officials mean when they state: “That’s how it is with them.” But fact is, the girls are bought and sold. They live as sex and work slaves, always guarded and deprived of their freedom. In Germany!

In one of my cases the girl was bought and sold for 8,000 euros. Another, a Roma child from Poland, was abducted. And despite this we have such, for me already criminal politicians, who call for not canceling those child marriages, because they say it is not good of the spouses. This is their response to our growing problem, which also arose as a result of an influx of Islamic refugees, among which many minors have been forced-married in their homelands and who are already coming as spouses.

I demand the separation of such marriages, the girl should first have a chance to develop freely, go to school and when she is 18, she can decide if she wants to live with her husband or not. According to German law, no one can force her to do it. We had a case of a Pakistani who raped a six-year-old girl and was given a suspended sentence because of his “cultural background”.

Another problem is violence in marriages. A typical anecdote, which I like to tell: newcomer with their wife and children are warned by others not to beat their wife and children in front of the Germans, because it is prohibited here. Does this mean that it is allowed without them watching? A man from Afghanistan, who was reported to the police by his wife because he had raped her many times, was not sentenced to prison, “because he was not aware that it was a rape.” Islam allows such treatment; in other words, the wife must sleep with him unless she has her period or she’s ill. In other cases, she cannot refuse. And there are instructions in the Koran where the beating of the woman, if she is unruly, is permitted. The judge referred to this in his judgment as a mitigating circumstance. This means that even judges, through such false tolerance, undermine our legal system.

It looks like we have more and more double standards. The courts here are rather leftist. Many judges are pro-immigrant and there are cases where refugees and Germans with a migratory background receive a “cultural and religious bonus” and are favored. Among them are also female judges and I consider them particularly bad — women who are against women. In one case, a female judge was looking for reasons that could justify a Turkish rapist. He thrust the woman’s head between the rungs of the bed and raped her brutally for hours. The forensic investigations revealed clear extreme violence, the woman was barely able to walk for two weeks, she was marked with bruises everywhere.

But the decisive factor for the end of this case was the question of the judge addressed to the victim witness: “Is it possible that the accused thought that the victim consented?” “It is possible” – the witness replied. She could not say whether this event, which was perceived by the victim as a rape, the rapist – with the mentality raised from his Turkish cultural background – only considered the so-called “Wild sex.” The perpetrator was acquitted. The prosecutor admitted that it had to be a big blow for the injured party, but the conviction was not possible because no premeditated activity was demonstrated. Rapes almost never lead to strict sentences in German courts. Especially when the perpetrators are migrants. Therefore, it has been publicly known for a long time about the so-called migrants-bonuses for cases of rape and other offenses. Our legal system slowly cease to function. The next problem is polygamy. Here, too, there are cases when politicians are calling to allow it.

N.O-S: What about criminality?

Rebecca Sommer: We have real problems. I can only talk about my region, where I live and information from the media. In Hamburg and the Schleswig-Holstein area, we have an Arab clan that shakes the surrounding area. In Berlin, we have a clan from Lebanon, which according to experts in only 20 years has grown up to 1000 people and which mainly but not only trade drugs. Parallel laws have developed, where our legal system does not reach anymore, it seems that everyone is afraid of them: judges, lawyers, the police. The state has lost all the control.

Judge Kirstin Heisig was murdered in my opinion because she tried to do something about it. Currently, it is the third generation of Berlin gangs. For Berliners they are extremely dangerous. They have a culture of hatred and scorn – and that’s why they commit their crimes in cold blood and without emotions. They have no scruples and are brutal, which again can be reduced to a Muslim – religious ideology, but – to be fair it has to be added here – it is being rejected by many moderate Muslims in this form.

Refugees are recruited by clans. Already in 2012, expensive cars in front of the refugee centers attracted attention. People wondered who these relatives were, who talked to one or another. Soon volunteers and social workers realized that they were not relatives, but Lebanese, who recruited young refugees to do dirty work.

They have businesses everywhere, where they do money laundery: bakeries, pizzerias, hairdressers, corner shops, gambeling, shisha bars, where refugees work illegally and are used as drug delivery couriers. There was a report on television – most of them still receive benefits, they cheat our system and we let them cheat us. I even say: yes, the Muslim world is laughing at us! If you look at it all, we’re really crazy!

We also have clans from the Balkans. Many repeatedly come back as asylum seekers, they collect money from the state, many simply stay. Their activities include falsification of passports and sex slaves trafficking, pimping. Among them are 12-year-old girls, sold as forced married wives. Many of these clans commit rapes, blackmailing, and do business with child pornography. 

I had a pupil – 14-year-old Serbian girl, who was raped by several adult men and filmed at the same time. This movie can be found on the Internet! I already knew her as a 10-year-old girl and it was a terrible blow for me. And I know further cases of sexual abuse. I sent hundreds of letters to the press. With no result. The police also did not know how to approach this problem; I learned that such girls, without any support from outside or without a family who supports them and help them, have little chance of getting out of this situation. In addition, immigrants do make up a significant percentage of people who are in conflict with the law. I consider, based on a study, that Somali refugees are particularly dangerous because of their religious fundamentalism, their culturally rooted scorn for women.

N.O-S: I have heard that the situation in German schools is quite dramatic. What can you say about this?

Rebecca Sommer: According to the latest survey, which focused on fourth grade students in cities, over 50% have a migration background, and the level of teaching has decreased so dramatically that — according to research — that education is at the level of an emerging country. However, our biggest problem is with children from Muslim families, who form the largest group among children with a migration background. As I have already noted, it is a culture of the strongest, and a big problem is the potential for aggression.

Unlike in German families, those children are often brought up with corporal punishment; and beatings by the father or elder brother, as I see and hear, they belong to everyday life. This makes these children aggressive — they solve problems quicker by force. And they show typical herd behaviors. Completely differently brought up children from other cultures are immediately in a lost position. They are thought the freedom of opinion, tolerance and how to discuss.

Such children are immediately in a lost position. They try to have a conversation, which in the eyes of Muslim children makes them weak and turns them into potential victims. Trying to argue – which in the Muslim eyes makes them weak, they become potential victims. Muslim children act in groups – if you get into conflict with one, you have a group of several dozen people against you, because they perceive the world as “Muslims against the others.” It came and comes to severe bodily harm, and the hands of the teachers is tied, because the law gives them little resources to react adequately.

Special schools for socially disadvantaged children are already full and lack teachers and resources that would allow them to react and counteract. An additional problem that I observe is accelerated training programs for teachers – refugees who were teachers in their countries. I see more problems here. First of all, many such co-workers wear headscarves, which is against the law of religious neutrality (in Berlin) and is a negative example for children. Secondly, after 1.5 to 2 years, their German is still poor, and this entails the danger that the students will learn German with mistakes. Thirdly, these new teachers have not received the same education as teachers in Germany. And fourthly and most disturbing to me: some of them are very religious and do not believe in science, only in what is written in the Koran. Some would not even shake a man’s hand.

I do not want such teachers in our schools, where our future generation is shaped. And I do not want teachers in headscarves, which will be a role model for young people. The headscarf signalizes that segregation by gender is right; that is the silent but eloquent message of the headscarf: It says — I am subordinate to man. This is a confession, a religious-ideological symbol that divides the world according to the Muslim point of view in haram and halal. This message says: women’s hair is so embarrassing that they become “pubic hairs”. Why do we want this in our schools?

N.O-S: What do you think is the biggest mistake in the migration policy?

Rebecca Sommer: First of all, the law treats every refugee as an immigrant, i.e. not as a protection seeker who has only came here for a limited time for safety and then returns home. And if that’s what it is, then you should also be so honest, and call these people immigrants, as you do in Poland. And accordingly set laws that people no longer need to lie in their asylum claim. Develop immigration laws that allow us to let in those we need and others not. Who will work and are not dependent on the social system. 

The next problem are gaps in our asylum law. Our law says that everyone has the right to asylum until the asylum seeker has been checked, accepted or rejected. Such a procedure, however, takes a very long time and such persons may receive the “tolerated” status (Duldung).According to the definition of German residence law, this mandates a “temporary suspension of deportation” concerning foreigners obliged to leave the country. It does not give you the right to stay. That is why “tolerated” are still obliged to leave Germany. Asylum seekers file complaints when they receive notice to leave Germany, and for bureaucratic and legal reasons, such cases can take years. These people remain in Germany for a long time, and after a few years most of them receive at the end a residence permit. From safe countries there are crowds of people in Germany who demand asylum for the most bizarre reasons, for example: “My neighbor is angry with me because I destroyed his car and I cannot cover the costs.” And this is how the Asylum law machine is put into motion, which takes many months and even years.

Most often these people receive the final decision and notice to leave Germany, and suddenly one of the family members gets sick — mental illnesses, a nervous breakdown — and due to this illness, the proceedings, also concerning the whole family, are stopped. People who have been rejected once, return here with the same documents and surnames, apply for asylum again and take the place of the real needy. If such a person leaves voluntarily, he has the right to return to Germany after three months. Beyond every human being, there may be a reason to ask for asylum and be persecuted, for example as a sexual minority, even if it comes from a country that is considered safe.

As I have realized, many “asylum seekers” have houses and even farms in their homelands, and there is no reason why they would have to leave their country. These are economic migrants fleeing poverty, which is of course a good reason if we are considering it from a human point of view, but it has nothing to do with asylum law. Some of them live here during the asylum procedure with benefits, some may work illegally. I often see large cars that transport the acquired goods to their homelands, which they then sell when the order to leave Germany is irrevocable, and leave voluntarily. Then many families come back and try again for asylum, with the same cause, passport and name. In my opinion, at the latest at the second attempt, you should not let these people in and do not drag them over again through asylum procedures, multiplying the related costs.

N.O-S: As we know, there are also family reunification plans. What do you think about it?

Rebecca Sommer: A security official with whom I spoke to told me that in the next three years several million people would arrive to Germany, both family members through family reunification and new asylum seekers. We all know that integration is extremely problematic, but some of our politicians are still following this path, shouting slogans such as “Nobody is illegal.” Among my past and present refugees that I do support, I can count on one hand cases of those who are, in my opinion, completely and successfully integrated. And here I don’t mean the loss of identity or culture, but acceptance of our lifestyle here in Germany, which is associated with having several German friends, not just one or two who help you in the struggle of filling out forms. Most people I deal with surround themselves only with people from their countries, or other Muslims and live in a parallel society, where their cultural-religious value systems ​​are upheld; they are thus rather separated from our society.

As more and more people settling here, they no longer have to adapt, it clearly strengthens a Muslim parallel society. This is the problem with family reunion as I see it. I think that it is important to evaluate those who want to simply stay here as classical immigration cases. It should be much more accurately checked if there is a real reason for applying for asylum. If necessary, control cells, FB, TT, in every possible way. Because the question arises: where is the main part of the family? We have many minor refugees whose family is living in a safe place, but is waiting for the ability to move to Germany. Why should we bring the whole family if their young one could go back to them? We know that some are here only because their family sent them in the beginning. From Beirut, I hear that many people are waiting to be brought to Germany by family reunification. 

Then we have those who really need protection, who want to stay here forever and have very good reasons – those who are persecuted in their homeland, often because they have a different faith, Christians, Yazidis. Ex-Muslims. These people have to wait far too long for their family to arrive, which is absolutely tragic and not right. Also because these families are often waiting in Muslim countries, where they have to be afraid. They should be treated separately and should be entitled to a special accelerated procedure. But one thing must be said: they actually often come with whole families to us. 

And we still need to check who is looking for temporary protection and then wants to return to his country. In this case, I think it is wrong to allow bringing the whole family, because once this family is here, most will stay. What worries me about family reunification: In oriental Muslim societies, family means a patriarchal-organized clan, an extended family, covering a large group of people. With family reunification we are importing an Islamic family system that only leads to parallel societies and integration problems. The teenager does not have to adjust anymore, he stays among his own, imported traditions live on. And this is exactly what I observe in the case of minors who came alone, who have already adapted well after three years, also thanks to the network of social workers, introducing them to our culture and our values. Who made friends by going to school with German teenagers.

It all disappears when the family arrives. We’ve seen it often. Where the adolescent met us with openness and curiosity, the defense against us, the contempt, the rejection of our non-Muslim way of life solidified in no time at all, because the family now stands behind it, which rejects it. And to sum up: I just do not want to expand on a parallel society, which ultimately is oppressing us women, harassing us, depriving us more and more of our freedom.

N.O-S: What do you think you should do with immigrants who do not integrate?

Rebecca Sommer: It is not so simple. You cannot get rid of someone from a war country, even if he lied about his age, or committed crimes. This should change — whoever commits a crime should be kicked out, and those who held a weapon in their hands and killed other people, shouldn’t get asylum. Whoever is against our state must leave. The government is helpless here. For example, the Syrians — first they were here because of the war and now because everyone claims they were against Assad and they face the death penalty there. And although there are those among them who belonged to ISIS or other terrorist groups, or have already been radicalized or committed crimes, the law does not allow their deportation. It’s not even taken into consideration. And another question — how do we measure integration? You are not integrated just because you can speak German and you do work. If you reject our values, you don’t show loyalty to the West, Germany and to us, or you think that Germany must accept Muslim values and give in to your cultural — religious special wishes, then I think you do not fit here.

N.O-S: And how should Islam be treated in Germany?

Rebecca Sommer: Political Islam must be prevented by all means, rather than continued to be courted. This includes not only a few of the mosques. First, we need regulations of what can be preached in mosques, but above all – what should be forbidden. Therefore, one should not just allow the continuous building of more mosques, before you examine the already existing ones more attentively, and above all to observe more closely at who finances it.

In many mosques, people are called upon to reject “unbelievers“, not to integrate. This was shown by the study of many mosques by ARD journalist Constantin Schreiber. In some mosques, people are even radicalized; experts have been warning against this for years. Mosques are built from the resources of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the imams are also paid from there. Many do not speak German. But politicians do not seem to care. I am also for a ban of wearing headscarf in the school for teachers and students, and in the public service.

I am afraid that in the next election, in four years, we can see a new phenomenon – Muslims will sooner or later establish their party and because they already have a large electorate, they will be unstoppable. With the help of the left wing and almost all parties, they will begin to change the rules to which we will have to adapt. As we know, many Muslims believe that unbelievers should be converted or taxed, or oppressed with other methods. Many Muslims, most notably the political, state-driven Islam, are considering how to assert their interests – and they do not even hide it. As long as they continue to do so, they will continue to grow in Germany. We know about FB profiles, which clearly call for the Islamization of Germany, where we find posts contrary to the constitution, and such discussions can be found everywhere. FB profiles where a dog pees on the Israeli flag, profiles spreading hatred and call for violence against us. And these profiles are not removed, as well as Salafite profiles! Despite the fact that FB is very thoroughly controlled in this country. Profiles of people expressing anti-Islamic views are blocked. If we don’t wake up quickly, the whole situation will end badly.

N.O-S: What would you like to tell to Poland and Poles?

Rebecca Sommer: Remain strong in your opposition to the violation of international law by the EU, and in this case against an external distribution of refugees. Every country and nation has the right to choose their guests. No state should give up its self-determination. People within their state have a right to govern themselves without outside interference. International law states that you have a right to determine your own political path and status and to be free from foreign rule.

Do not lose your identity, no nation, group, be it indigenous peoples, Italians, French or Poles can preserve themselves if they do not delineate themselves in a rational way according to their interests. I would suggest to you to think carefully, whom you would like to accept willingly. There are so many refugees who are increasingly fleeing Muslim countries, as they are being persecuted there more and more. These include, for example many Christians and other minorities who will be coping well with your Western-oriented value system and who will integrate well with your support.

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