Thursday, February 8, 2018

US Constitution Repair

There are more TV programs on PBS covering the US Constitution, but none of them are asking why Congress has failed since the 1870s to use the Amendment process to make their expansion of enumerated powers legal. I have heard very few politicians even indicate that they are even aware of this. It is the elephant in the room and is hiding in plain sight.

We are witnessing a government that stubbornly ignores the “law of the land” at a time when memory lapses with the FBI can land you in jail and illegal acts committed by federal agencies can bankrupt citizens with legal bills they incur to defend themselves.

Trump is committed to return the government to the rule of law and is well on the way to appointing Judges who will stick to the US Constitution (as written). I expect as he fixes the Courts, we will see less legislating from the bench. He will also continue to demand that Congress do its job, to root out corruption, eliminate fraud, waste and abuse, lower its spending on non-critical programs, reform its rules and clean up its mess. He will also demand that the federal departments and agencies clean up their mess.  All of this is required to “drain the swamp”.

Trump also needs to tell Congress to either follow the US Constitution (as written) or amend it. He needs to pick a fight with the “case law”, “living document” crowd to get to the heart of the swamp.  This is the most effective way to make Congress take its first steps to restoring the rule of law and stop protecting their own “weapons of mass corruption”.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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