Thursday, February 21, 2019

Buying American

All countries need to increase their private sector economies and ensure that their citizens can be self-supporting. In the US, we let our manufacturing costs get out of control and lost most of our middle class jobs to low wage, low tax and low regulation countries. We are in the process of reversing all of that.

The US is home to the world’s wealthiest consumer base. We are in the process of returning manufacturing back to the US and there is no reason why manufacturers can’t make whatever US consumers buy in plants within the US and employing US citizen workers.

Trump is leading the world by example. He wants all countries to improve their standard of living, so he is taking actions to improve the standard of living in the US.

There was a time when US consumers bought products and services from US companies. All of our clothing, shoes, home appliances, building components, cars, trucks and everything else was made in the US by US companies. At that time the US got a lot of capital from overseas. Foreign banks invested in developing US railroads after 1820 and foreign investment in the US continues today.

We know how we lost our manufacturing to foreign competitors and we can avoid the regulations, high corporate taxes, labor unions and bad trade policy that removed manufacturing from the US.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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