Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Democrat Obstruction

The Dems Are Playing Russian Roulette with Themselves, A Divided Party in Chaos, Mental Trump Derangement Syndrome; All Eyes on Trump Tonight in El Paso, By Capt. Dave Bertrand, Ret. 2/11/19, Bertrand Daily Report

An average of 50,000 illegal aliens are arrested each month, which means 3 times that many actually make it into the country undetected (3:1 ratio). Each night there are approximately 1,900 arrested along the southwest border while the Dems sit on their ego in defiance of this president they cannot stand.

The Dems have now let it be known, the welcome mat is at the border, creating a false hope and open door for the coming invaders, while at the same time, telling criminal aliens (already inside the U.S.) facing arrest, the basic message from Dems….”if you are picked-up by I.C.E., your chances of being released back into society is now greater than ever.”

Dems are now pushing a budget bill that will reduce detention beds to a mere 16,500 and as a result, puts Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.) in a tight squeeze….limiting their budget for arrests.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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