Saturday, February 23, 2019

US Land Use

The USDA has identified US land use in categories that includes pasture range, cropland, forest, cities and other. Most of US forest land is in the East. Most of the pasture range land is in the West. Cropland is everywhere, but mostly in the Midwest.

In total, the US has 354 million acres of pasture range land, 538.6 million acres of forest, 391.5 million acres of cropland and 69.4 million acres of urban areas.

More than 100 million acres are parks, wildlife areas, desert and marshland.

For maps and more detail go to:


The US occupies 2.43 billion acres. The US federal government has seized 30% of the US landmass and they are obstructing maintenance because they cannot afford to maintain it. That’s why we have our annual forest fire festivals. Federal lands need to be returned to the States.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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