Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Values Scam

The “values” people live by are applied individually, person to person. All we are called to do is to provide for and love our families. Our responsibility for kindness as individuals is based on proximity and personal responsibility. The “Good Samaritan” didn’t expect the Roman government to take care of the wounded man. Mother Theresa cared for the sick and dying herself. They did not protest to demand that government fix all the problems. Government has problems of its own.

Tolerance is based on behavior and bad behavior has consequences. Accepting bad behavior only encourages more bad behavior. Bad behavior in families results in banishment until the bad behavior ends. The “Prodigal Son” left his family and squandered his inheritance, but returned to his family having learned from his mistake.

The role of good government needs to allow people to choose their own behavior and suffer the consequences.
Liberals preach “basic decency” and use this as justification for tyranny.  They say “that is not who we are”, but it is not up to politicians or a ruling cabal to dictate individual behavior.

All individuals are “hard wired” to exercise their free will. If we are wise, we pursue behaviors that will allow us to succeed in being self-supporting by working at something we love. We are each free to make our own choices. When we make bad choices, we need to suffer the natural consequences and learn from our mistakes.

Legislating morality doesn’t work. Attempts to do this end in failure and unintended consequences that are worse. US “Prohibition” of alcohol was passed in 1920 and repealed in 1933 because citizens ignored it and it created a criminally controlled black market.

Drugs pose a similar problem and we are modifying how we deal with addiction. Personal responsibility and allowing addicts to suffer the consequences and seek God’s help is the solution. Allowing addicts to file disability discrimination suits would be a scam.

Anti-discrimination laws caused the 2008 Mortgage Meltdown and are fueling race and gender scams across the globe. These laws need to be replaced by the fact that we all have abilities and need to be employed based on these abilities. Liberals are perpetrating a scam.

The US is experiencing a welfare migrant invasion. We should end welfare for all non-citizens and secure our border, If we fail, we will erode our economy and become a failed socialist country. Socialism always fails.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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