Monday, February 18, 2019

Education Responsibilities

Students are responsible for their own education. Parents are responsible for affording their children the opportunity to learn what they need to learn to become self-supporting adults. This has historically included home schooling, hiring tutors and paying to attend colleges, trade schools and universities.

Government has created conditions that hinder childrens’ ability to learn what they need to know to function as citizens and informed adults. Schools have become reeducation camps brainwashing students with Liberal propaganda and fail to teach needed skills. US education is overpriced and underperforming.

Many families have chosen to homeschool to eliminate the propaganda, individualize and accelerate learning and save time. Homeschooled children have less exposure to drugs, danger, indoctrination, bullying and bad behavior. They typically stay a grade or two ahead of their age group and do it in half the time.

Most families have two earners and can’t homeschool, so many families send their children to private and parochial schools,

We now have the ability to access our education on the internet. We no longer need Public Libraries. But internet schooling doesn’t work in families where both parents are required to work outside the home. Younger children cannot be left at home by themselves.

20% of children drop out of school and many pursue a GED. Many students are avoiding college because of the costs and the toxic Liberal bias on campus.

We’ve spent $billions on school buildings and pension plans and we would have been better off if we had kept government out of education from the beginning.  Costs would be controlled by the free market and content would be useful.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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