Monday, February 11, 2019

Christian Empire

Christianity began as a Jewish Sect. The Jewish Scriptures predicted the coming of the Messiah and the Jews who embraced Christianity were disciples of Jesus Christ from 30 AD.

Christianity spread across the Roman Empire from 33 AD to 312 AD and suffered persecution until 312 AD when Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity.  He allowed other religions to exist, but began to fund Christian expansion. The Pope was installed as a Royal and the Church was drawn into the intrigues of politics, power and wealth. 

In 380 AD Christianity was declared the official religion of Rome by Emperor Theodosius I. This allowed Christianity to spread across the Roman Empire.

Christian Missionaries continued to work in Africa and Oceana and established large Christian populations.

There are very few Christians in Asian countries with established cultures and traditions tied to their religions. There are also very few Christians left in Muslim countries.

After 1492, European Christians migrated to America and spread Christianity as they established new territories for Portugal, Spain, France and England. These colonies also allowed migration of other Christian Europeans from all other European countries. The entire American continent became Christian.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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