Monday, June 10, 2019

Global Economy Scam

It’s easy to recognize a scam, because the cheerleaders show up to chant that we should do dumb things. Among the list of dumb things the Globalists want us to do is to eliminate our most affordable sources of energy because of the global warming hoax and make stuff for poor countries who have no money.

The latest scam was exposed in UN Agenda 21 published in 1992. It announced that man-made global warming was a problem we had to address immediately by eliminating our best energy sources. There was a mania over expanding developed country commerce to poor countries with large populations.

The basic facts about economies were ignored, like expecting countries to produce most of what they consume in order to provide jobs. Other facts were ignored like protecting intellectual property to protect patents and prevent piracy.

The basic economic unit is the family. Families ban together to form Clans and Clans ban together to form Nations.

Economies are “national”. National governments control the trade practices of their citizens and pass laws citizens are required to follow. Differences in economic results within in a nation can be due to the usefulness of the land they occupy and the restrictions imposed by their governments. Indivitual Property Rights need to be absolute and mandatory or it won’t work due to lack of incentives and fairness. Communal property doesn’t produce competition; it ensures failure.

Citizens in each nation are responsible for providing for themselves by producing food, water, shelter and the products they need. Trade between countries occurred when drought came, crops failed and hungry countries had to buy food from neighboring countries. Trade also occurred when better tools were invented and everybody wanted them. 

Look at trade like a game played by two teams competing with each other. Competition drives effort, innovation and results.

There has always been “global trade”. Cave-dwelling clans made stone tools to trade with other clans until they discovered what rocks to melt to get copper, iron and tin.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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