Tuesday, June 4, 2019

UK Problems

UK public schools in greater London are packed with radical rude, disruptive, violent gangs of Muslim Pakistanis who have rendered these schools useless. My daughter and her husband and two children lived in a transit village near London for over a year. The public schools were so bad they had to home-school their kids.

The UK has Muslim “no go” zones and Sharia courts and will eventually become a Muslim country unless it closes its borders, deports all Muslims who won’t assimilate and closes radical mosques.

The UK is in the tank over UN scams imposed by the EU including the Climate Change Hoax, Multiculturalism, Globalist, Marxist Ideology, a dysfunctional Parliament, Political Correctness and Socialist Propaganda. Nothing their politicians hold as their “values” is real. The population has been brainwashed and sedated to put up with these scams. It’s Orwellian.

The UK National Health Service is incapable of operating an ambulance service and is packed with bureaucrats enforcing rules and rationing of care.

UK voters need to focus on what to fix, what went wrong and why. They need to leave the EU and regain their national sovereignty and be more careful about who they elect to represent them in Parliament.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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