Wednesday, June 5, 2019

History Lessons

The study of History is useless unless it includes the causes of events. History repeats itself and is wise to know what happened and why, so we can avoid making the same mistakes. The consequences of these mistakes can include war, famine, migrant invasion, loss of culture, poverty and animosity for centuries.

In the early centuries we have examples of kingdoms conquering their neighbors and either killing everyone to eliminate enemy armies or enslaving them. We have a few examples of kingdoms who were more benevolent and they lasted longer.

Individuals and nations need to learn what they need to know, take their destiny in their own hands and act in their own best interest. Failure to do this has disastrous consequences.

Venezuela voters who allowed their government to seize private property are responsible for their failed state.

Individuals who have become dysfunctional due to their own bad choices need to decide to make better choices.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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