Thursday, February 1, 2018

Divided Country Hoax

Just before President Trump gave his State of the Union speech on 12/30/18, a Fox News commentator posed the question as to whether or not President Trump would now begin to work with Democrats, improve his poll numbers and heal our divided nation.

This is nonsense. The polls are phony. Democrats need to change before Republicans would even consider talking to them.  President Trump should only consider policies that make sense.  Nothing the Democrats want to do makes any sense.  Everything Democrats have done have been disasters.  Every Democrat legislative initiative has resulted in economic ruin and counterproductive activities.

It’s right out of a Roadrunner cartoon. Every time Democrats attempt to harm Republicans they get slaughtered. There is no divided country.  There is just an overactive Liberal media in overdrive.

The Democrat platform is a disaster. Nothing in it will help anybody.  Most of what is in it will harm everybody. Trump’s poll numbers come from the same polling companies who predicted an easy win for Hillary. How do you think these poll companies decide who to poll and who not to poll. Trump’s unpopularity is a fabricated scam designed to keep the discredited Democrat Party from dissolving completely.

The sum total of the Democrat strategy revolves around pandering to special interest and protected groups. This is just another form of the protection racket right out of the Mafia playbook. It’s similar to the labor union scam. Democrats use the politics of personal destruction like the Mafia used breaking legs.

Adding to the scam. Liberals fund an endless supply of Demo-bots to protest everything we are doing to clean up the country. Add to that the Liberals who monopolize all the media space on television, on cable news, in movies and in newspapers. The US media, like the university faculty and administrators are in the tank for Liberals. 

This extreme left wing group occupies less than 20% of the population, but makes 90% of the noise. The reasons for their noise level are many.  I believe that over 50% of American voters are on Trump’s side.  I also believe that 30% of Democrat voters are cult victims. Like many crazy people, Liberals are relentlessly active. But more importantly, the 20% who are dedicated Communists will never give up as long as they can get air time. The media is keeping these zombies alive.  

In answer to their relentless questions crafted to get President Trump to lower his guard and give them something, they are showing their fear that Trump will rip out every rotten law and policy and pocket of saboteurs from their government offices. 

Liberals are more afraid of Trump than they have ever been afraid of any President ever. He is the first President we have ever had who will root out the corruption that has debilitated our government and our economy for decades. He is likely to restore the Constitution fully and challenge Congress to either send Amendments to allow for more “enumerated powers” to be added to the Constitution or close all federal agencies who have been involved in illegal, unconstitutional activities.

Trump is likely to return all federal land to the states.  He is likely to eliminate all government activities not authorized by the Constitution (as written). He is likely to send overpriced healthcare and education to the free market to rehabilitate these industries. He is likely to defund destructive Liberal special interest groups.

The Democrats want to return to visiting their plagues on the American people. They want to discard the US Constitution and the rule of law. They want open borders to repopulate the US with third-world immigrants who will elect Democrats. They want Liberal judges to legislate from the bench as they have done for decades. Liberals want to replace our Republic with a one-party dictatorship run by unelected officials who are not accountable to the voters.

Their subsidies corrupt prices and subvert the laws of economics. Despite the failure of socialism in other countries these Liberals are demanding policies that will turn America into Venezuela.

If Democrats ever begin to return to supporting policies that will actually help the citizens, we can think about working with them. I see no signs of that happening. That means we have to call out their pleadings as a scam and ignore them until they start to make some sense. Republicans need to stop playing “Lucy and the football” with Democrats.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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