Thursday, April 19, 2018

Deep State

The Deep State exists in the US Federal Government.

It exists in the Congress and its insistence on clinging to its arcane rules, broken processes and corruption by funding their campaigns with bribe money from special interests.

It exists in the Courts who have misinterpreted the Constitution and believe that the Constitution is a living document they can change with their opinions.

It exists in the Executive with government employees in Departments that have their own arcane rules, broken processes and corruption by the Communist Left.

It exists in the agencies and their government employees who decide what regulations are imposed.

It is all explained very well in Trevor Loudon’s book “The Enemies Within” and his collection of tapes. He explains how the American Communist Party has achieved all of its 25 goals by feeding Bills through the Unions to Democrats, who slide these Bills through as Amendments to Omnibus Spending Bills.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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