Saturday, April 21, 2018

Suicidal Governments

We have several examples of governments who do not act in the best interest of their citizens. 

The Rogue governments like Iran, North Korea, threaten their neighbors with nuclear missiles and invite financial sanctions. This makes no sense if you believe that these governments are responsible for establishing an economic structure that will allow their citizens to thrive. 

The Stupid governments like those in the EU who first embraced total socialism and since have ceded their sovereignty to a central authority that imposes plagues like excessive refugee admission on their citizens. The EU continues to usurp member country citizen voting rights. These are the guys who implemented UN Agenda 21 based on the global warming hoax and the multicultural scam and now they are in trouble.

The Failing governments like Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan and others have civil wars raging. 

This also includes governments presiding over failed economies like Venezuela, Haiti and Cuba. There are also governments who are failing to end criminal activity by drug gangs throughout South America.

In the US, Puerto Rico overspent and got hit with a hurricane. California and Illinois overspent and is saddled with Democrats and government unions.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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