Sunday, April 29, 2018

Fake Polls

The AJC, 4/29/18 page A-1 announces that “In a Shift, most Georgia voters back gun control."  The article details answers on page A-19, but it doesn’t mention how many were polled. The AJC has long been a “liberal rag” and it doesn’t take much to identify pro-liberal bias in most of what they print.

The poll may include 100 potential voters or 10,000 potential voters, but those who conduct these polls have all the resources needed to collect the answers they want to get. The article headline gives it away. They want gun control.

I suspect that Democrats will continue to push hard to get the 2nd Amendment repealed, but I think they are aiming for the passage of laws that ban the sale of weapons to crazy people.  On the face of it, that sounds reasonable.  Not long ago, we locked them up.  But the same liberals pushed to close all of our mental hospitals and let them out, because they were said to “violate the civil rights” of crazy people.

They want our government to determine who is crazy and that would be all who oppose the liberal narrative. Freedom no longer exists in Canada, where you can be fined and go to jail for not supporting the gay lifestyle. The Democrats wanted to make it unlawful in the US to deny climate change. They also wanted to merge the US with Canada and Mexico under a newly formed federal government.

There is a case to be made for arming as many US citizens as possible as a deterrent to crime. That makes more sense than disarming all of the citizens and subjecting them to undeterred crime. Our right to self-defense is as basic as our right to limited government.

Government already has a means of determining sanity in the courts. The criminally insane are given a pass and “trustees” are appointed to control your money if you are “found to be” mentally incompetent.

Lately, I find many voters to be “mentally incompetent”, but I haven’t yet taken them to court.

I doubt that “most Republican voters” favor tighter gun controls, but I am certain that the unknown numbers of participants for this poll were cherry-picked using their google-search ratings and county voting data.

The polls got it wrong in calling the 2016 Presidential election and they still get it wrong, because they want to get it wrong.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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