Thursday, April 19, 2018

Middle East Clean Up

Syria - I agree with Rand Paul’s view that we have nothing to gain in Syria. It is clearly in Russia’s sphere of influence and is more likely to side with Iran. I would let Syria and Russia deal with the remaining ISIS terrorists.  I do support military aid for Israel, because Syria borders Israel.

 Yemen – Saudi Arabia should win the war, deport the bad actors and annex Yemen. The Palestinian quagmire proves that you can’t pretend that a gaggle of terrorists can constitute a valid nation-state.

 Libya is toast and hasn’t recovered from the Arab Spring in 2011. 90% of Libya is desert. Most of their 6 million citizens are living in cities close to the Mediterranean Sea. It is the refugee gateway to Europe.

 Israel should annex Palestine and be done with it. Jordan and Saudi Arabia are allies and all they would have to contend with is Syria that seems to be more interested in their GDP than in establishing an Islamic caliphate. Lebanon seems busy with its own economy and doesn’t currently pose a threat.

 Iran should get cut off from the global economy until they give up their nuclear ambitions.

 Turkey is going Islamic and should focus its economy on doing business with the bad actors like Russia and the rest of the bad Arab countries.

 Russia needs to stay in its own borders and make the best of it.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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