Friday, April 13, 2018


There are several issues in addition to military readiness that form US Defense Deterrence. These are basic and proven, but have also been ignored since 1990.

Maintaining US Strategic Industries on US soil has always been part of US Deterrence. Trump’s plan to restore the US Steel and Aluminum industries is part of this plan. This also includes mining minerals, electronics, cyber security, software development and advanced weapons development.

Trump’s plan includes building a wall to defend us from illegal immigration, excessive immigration, dangerous migrants, terrorists and criminals. The Drug Cartels in South America are worse than ever and the US needs to remove Drug Gangs and eliminate US drug abuse to dry up their revenue.

Limiting immigration to only those professionals we need with a comprehensive merit-based immigration law is critical to restoring our economic strength. We need to return to requiring all immigrants to be self-supporting and restrict welfare to completely disabled US citizens. We also need to suspend all refugee programs.

The US needs to overhaul its Visa programs to ensure against Visa overstays and tighten entry points by air and boat to stop drug smugglers.

We need to reduce all unnecessary federal spending and pay down the $20 trillion national debt. Restoring the US private sector economy is critical to Deterrence. Our enemies need to know that we are capable of restoring our financial strength.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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