Saturday, April 28, 2018

War and Peace


The blueprint for Peace requires productive countries who are improving their economies and living conditions to benefit their citizens, so that they can be self-supporting. If all citizens who can be in the labor force are in the labor force, they will succeed. This ensures that the citizens will not foment violence and revolution. Focusing on the family as the basic economic unit and encouraging private property ownership in a free market economy are important.

They also need to get along with neighboring countries and encourage these countries to adopt similar policies. This is done to prevent wars with neighboring countries. Mutually beneficial trade between neighboring countries results in shared benefits. Good will between neighboring countries occurs when they assist each other during natural disasters including crop loss.


It is assumed that these countries will maintain a military and police force to deter bad actors from harming their citizens. Laws should be limited and should include the right to self-defense, so that citizens can defend themselves if needed.

Wars need to be avoided, because they are destructive and expensive. They are waged by governments and have been defensive and aggressive. Citizens normally support defensive wars, but should be wary of aggressive wars.

We are better able to track financial transactions now and should be able to predict what countries are building their military forces to wage wars of aggression. Often this kind of war has a history for these countries and it is possible to understand why they want to invade a neighbor. For Russia, the reason is that their target was once a part of their nation. For Iran the reason is that their religion once ruled a caliphate of countries. For North Korea, they will push for reunification under Communist rule by the North. Good luck with that. They all need to know this is not acceptable.

The lessons we learned from World War I and World Wat II are that if you launch a war of aggression to acquire neighboring countries by force, you will not succeed and will be bombed into oblivion.

The lessons we learned from the Vietnam War should dissuade us from entering defensive wars we refuse to win on behalf of far-away countries we know nothing about.

The lessons we learned from the Middle East Wars is similar to Vietnam. We can’t help people in far-away countries with tribal cultures who don’t want to change.

The lesson we are learning about Islam is that they need to reform their Koran and remove the parts that make them a pain in the ass for the rest of us.

The Cold War was a waste of time and money. Communism and Socialism are merely failed economic systems that will collapse under their own weight unless they are propped up by real economic activity.

The current wars on terror, the drug gangs and international criminal enterprises cause wars that need to be fought and won by the countries that are affected. We may be helpful by lending our military to them for a surge, but they first need a plan and their own resources to make the eradication of these bad actors permanent.

Recovering from War

After World War II, the citizens of Germany did not become refugees in other countries. They remained in Germany to rebuild it. Outside help came from the US with the Berlin Air Lift to get food flown in to Germany after the Soviets blocked ocean shipping into Germany to punish them. 

The US had a different attitude toward Germans after the War. We believed that they made a terrible mistake letting Hitler take over. The Bankers lent the Germans what they needed to recover because they showed resolve to rebuild and would prove to be “credit worthy”.

The refugee problem for Jews that lived through the holocaust was solved, in part, with the establishment of the nation-state of Israel. The US immigration policy in 1945 was based on merit, so many Jews came to the US after the war.

No government financial aid or welfare was offered. These immigrants were sponsored and supported by relatives until they could work and earn enough to establish their own households.

Today refugees are unskilled and on welfare. They are more of a burden than a benefit for the US and they need to return to their home countries to rebuild them. They should not be given a choice.

We need to repeal our current immigration and refugee policies and replace them with limits to reflect our current national needs.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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