Thursday, April 12, 2018

MARTA $Billions

AJC 4/9/18 Metro page 1 article: Cobb faces tricky talk on MARTA includes estimates of the construction costs required to expand public transit in Cobb. The Georgia Legislature just approved allowing counties to establish a “special service district” to charge the costs to the taxpayers. If Cobb politicians approve a plan, it would go on the ballot for a vote to increase sales taxes by 1 cent.  These tax funds would go to the “special service district”. They would likely sell Bonds and put the bill on the taxpayers’ credit card.

Heavy rail commuter train expansion is quoted to cost $250 to $300 million per mile.
Light rail commuter train construction costs are quoted at $150 to $250 million per mile.
Bus Rapid Transit costs for the 16 miles from Kennesaw to Cumberland are quoted at $500 million. That’s $31.25 million per mile.


Road constuction costs are closer to $200 thousand per lane-mile. $500 million could build 2500 lane-miles of additional roads and lanes.

All public transit should be privatized to make trains and buses self-supporting.

The AJC, 4/9/18, Metro page 3 also has another article: Transit numbers down one year after the collapse of the I-85 bridge.  This article says that ridership is down from 6 million to 4.9 million.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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