Monday, November 17, 2014

Global Cooling Ahead

Climatologist: 30-Year Cold Spell Strikes Earth
Posted on November 17, 2014 Written by
With nasty cold fronts thrust­ing an icy and early win­ter across the con­ti­nen­tal U.S. — along with last win­ter described by USA Today as “one of the snowiest, cold­est, most mis­er­able on record” — cli­ma­tol­o­gist John L. Casey thinks the weather pat­tern is here to stay for decades to come.
In fact, Casey, a for­mer space shut­tle engi­neer and NASA con­sul­tant, is out with the provoca­tive book “Dark Win­ter: How the Sun Is Caus­ing a 30-Year Cold Spell,” which warns that a rad­i­cal shift in global cli­mate is under­way, and that Al Gore and other envi­ron­men­tal­ists have it com­pletely wrong. The earth, he says, is cool­ing, and cool­ing fast.
And unless the sci­en­tific com­mu­nity and polit­i­cal lead­ers act soon, cold, dark days are ahead. Casey says the evi­dence is clear that the earth is rapidly grow­ing colder because of dimin­ished solar activity. He says trends indi­cate we could be headed for colder tem­per­a­tures sim­i­lar to those seen in the late 1700s and early 1800s when the sun went into a “solar min­i­mum” — a phe­nom­e­non with sig­nif­i­cantly reduced solar activ­ity, includ­ing solar flares and sunspots. If he’s right, that would be very bad news.
Dark Win­ter” posits that a 30-year period of cold has already begun. Frigid tem­per­a­tures, and food short­ages that inevitably result, could lead to riots and chaos.
Casey tells News­max, “All you have to do is trust nat­ural cycles, and fol­low the facts; and that leads you to the inevitable con­clu­sion that the sun con­trols the cli­mate, and that a new cold era has begun.” Casey is pres­i­dent of the Space and Sci­ence Research Corp., an Orlando, Fla., cli­mate research firm.
His new book debunks global warm­ing ortho­doxy. For over a decade, he reports, the planet’s oceans have been cool­ing. And since 2007, the atmos­pheric tem­per­a­ture has been cool­ing as well.
The data is pretty solid,” Casey says. “If you look at the 100-year global tem­per­a­ture chart, you look at the steep drop off we’ve had since 2007, it’s the steep­est drop in global tem­per­a­tures in the last hun­dred years.” So how can the media and sci­en­tific elites make a case for global warm­ing when it’s actu­ally cooling?
Casey sug­gests climate-change the­o­rists have sim­ply wed­ded them­selves to the wrong the­ory, namely, that global tem­per­a­tures respond to the level of green­house gases in the atmosphere. Any sci­en­tist sug­gest­ing oth­er­wise is cas­ti­gated as a heretic, though there are other promi­nent sci­en­tists who sup­port Casey.
Noted Russ­ian astro­physi­cist Habibullo I. Abdus­sam­a­tov has argued that a new, mini-ice age has begun, though Casey doesn’t go that far. He does agree with Abdus­sam­a­tov that the real dri­ver of global cli­mate is solar activ­ity, namely sunspots. These cor­re­spond to shifts in global tem­per­a­ture with a greater than 90 per­cent accu­racy, he says.
The envi­ron­men­tal left focuses instead on ever-rising green­house emis­sions, sug­gest­ing nature is just tak­ing a bit of a breather before the upward march in tem­per­a­tures ineluctably resumes.
There are two fun­da­men­tal flaws with that,” Casey says. “No. 1, the greenhouse-gas the­ory, and the global cli­mate mod­els that they pro­duced, never per­mit­ted a pause. As long as CO2 lev­els were going up, the only thing that could hap­pen was global tem­per­a­tures could go up. That has not happened.
No. 2, there could absolutely be no cool­ing, much less a pause. And yet we’ve been cool­ing for 11 years now.” The recent polar vor­tex that sent tem­per­a­tures across the Mid­west plung­ing to sub-zero records is not an aber­ra­tion, Casey says. If “Dark Win­ter” is right, that means the nation is busily prepar­ing for the wrong calamity.
We don’t have 10 years,” Casey warns. “We’ve squan­dered dur­ing Pres­i­dent Obama’s admin­is­tra­tion eight years … and we didn’t have eight years to squander.” The worst of the cool­ing cycle, Casey pre­dicts, will hit in the late 2020s and the early 2030s. Food riots will break out, demand for heat­ing oil will spike, and the fail­ure of the corn crop will put the squeeze on ethanol. He even pre­dicts the United States will ban agri­cul­tural exports to feed its own citizens.
When Casey devel­oped his the­o­ries in 2007, he emerged with sev­eral predictions. Ris­ing tem­per­a­tures would begin to reverse them­selves within three years. The sun would enter a phase of reduced activ­ity he called “solar hiber­na­tion.” And oceanic and atmos­pheric tem­per­a­tures would enter a long decline. So far, all of Casey’s pre­dic­tions have come true. He says, “My the­ory tells you when it will be cold … and it is the cold that kills.” Casey also posits that a long-term cold spell will have dire effects on the earth’s geology.
As air and ocean tem­per­a­tures, the earth’s crust begins chang­ing, lead­ing to more vol­canic activ­ity and earth­quakes. Casey notes that the worst earth­quake to strike the con­ti­nen­tal U.S. in mod­ern times was in 1812 at New Madrid, Mis­souri – dur­ing the last great solar min­i­mum. The cli­mate changes also will affect human activ­ity and may be a pre­lude to rev­o­lu­tion­ary pol­i­tics. He says the French Rev­o­lu­tion took place at the begin­ning of the last solar min­i­mum in 1789.
It could be one of the rea­sons Putin is so eager to get Ukraine,” Casey says. “For many decades before Ukraine became inde­pen­dent, it was the pri­mary source of wheat for the Soviet Union dur­ing cold weather times. Putin must have the wheat of Ukraine for the new cold era.”
Casey has a wor­ried look as he talks about the rev­e­la­tions in “Dark Win­ter.” There is no human on earth, much less here in the U.S., who has expe­ri­enced the depth and dura­tion of cold we’re about to expe­ri­ence — it’s that seri­ous,” he says.

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1 comment:

Priscilla King said...

I'm not confident in any predictions of huge sweeping global trends, but itt certainly felt like global cooling last night!