Friday, November 28, 2014

Republicans go Limp

Unbelievable! ... Republican Leaders Are Actually Trying To Tell You That Congress Is "Powerless" To Stop Barack Obama's Unlawful And Tyrannical Amnesty Decree Because Doing So Would Require "An Act Of Congress."

We couldn't make it up if we tried, and as unbelievable as it may sound, a number of Republican leaders in Congress are so anxious to give Barack Obama the funding he so desperately needs to implement his lawless and dictatorial amnesty decree that they're scrambling to make up clumsy lies in an attempt to deceive you into believing that they're "powerless" to stop him.

But they're NOT powerless to stop Barack Obama and, as a matter of fact, rank-and-file Republicans are already in open rebellion over this latest clumsy lie.

These rank-and-file Republicans desperately need your help... Representative Michele Bachmann and others are even planning a rally in Washington D.C. and are urging patriotic Americans to "melt the phone lines" in Washington.

We must heed this clarion call. Our elected officials need to hear the righteous indignation of patriotic Americans and they need to hear it now.
Lies... Lies... And Damned Lies...
The powerful Republican Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, Hal Rogers, actually issued a press release which read, in part: "It would be impossible to defund President Obama's executive actions on immigration" because "the primary agency responsible for implementing Obama's actions is funded entirely by user fees."

But wait just a minute... who authorizes the collection of those "user fees?"... You guessed it... Congress. But Rogers and the so-called Republican leadership refuse to be daunted by simple reason, so much so that Rogers actually told reporters that stopping the collection of these user fees "would take an act of Congress."

You read that right. Congress is powerless to stop Barack Obama because doing so would require an act of Congress? If you're seeing red over this pathetic excuse, you're not the only one.

Rank-and-file Republicans and conservative pundits immediately denounced it:

Congressman Steve King called the so-called GOP leadership on the carpet: "They're contriving red herring arguments to get to the point that enough members will walk out of this Congress and go home for Thanksgiving saying, 'Well, there's nothing we can do.'"

Senator Jeff Sessions blasted the leadership as well: "The American people's Congress has the power and every right to deny funding for unworthy activities. It is a routine and constitutional application of congressional power. There is no question that Congress has the power to block this expenditure and no doubt that it can be done."

Senator Richard Shelby added: "To say you can't do something, maybe we need to explore more options... You can put a rider on a lot of things. There are a lot of ways to skin a cat."

But Sean Davis with The Federalist said it best: "That is absolute nonsense. The notion that Congress can turn on a money spigot but is banned from turning it off is nonsense. And the worst part is that it's willful nonsense... Republicans can add defunding language to any bill whenever they so choose. The issue is not that they can't use the power of the purse to block Obama’s lawless power grab. The issue is that they don't want to. The real shame is that they can’t even be honest about that."

Yes, Republican leaders are deceiving the American people, but there is a way to fight the deceit.
Patriotic Americans must call them on the lie. Because, if you don't, they'll only assume they've gotten away with their deceitful games and they'll hand the keys to Barack Obama on a silver platter.
If Boehner is afraid of the still-Democrat Senate not passing a short, post-December 11 budget that excludes Amnesty funding, he isn’t counting on Senate Democrats to vote with Republicans.  If he is wrong and the Senate will pass a stripped-down budget through to Obama, Republicans will have folded too soon and this Amnesty will be implemented before January 2015.
Boehner should send a stripped-out Bill to the Senate and let them reject it.  If they pass it, let Obama veto it.  Any shutdown on December 11 would be Obama’s fault.  Boehner needs to stand up and let House Republicans send a stripped-down Bill they can support to the Senate.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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