Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Liberals are Unsustainable

We Can’t Afford Liberals. We have allowed these Marxists to enter our government and cost us $trillions. They enter a job in the government or an entity funded by the government and cook up “top-down” schemes that don’t work.
They take advantage of the foibles in our system and push their hair-brained ideas that usually start with some whim to correct some human condition arising in other people.  They are careful to get other people to pay for their game. They make up lies like global warming and global food concerns. They need to be kept far away from making public policy. 
The Obamacare scam began when they were aghast that up to 40% of US citizens chose not to purchase health insurance. Insurance companies agreed with them, so a political agenda was born. 
It wasn’t that these “uninsured” didn’t get medical treatment; they chose to do it without insurance.  A few got caught with catastrophic illnesses and had to sell their houses to pay the bills.  Most made payment arrangements with their hospitals to pay $50 per month until the bill was paid. The very poor were treated as charity patients in rural areas and by county health departments in big cities.
Liberals had to engineer an uproar, so they paraded “victims” through congressional hearings and encouraged the very poor to abandon the charity practices and county health. Doctors and politicians did not object. At the same time, doctors were being herded into specialties where they could “make more money”; they didn’t fight it.  These specialties required specialized equipment and medication; the equipment and drug companies didn’t object. Finally, they told hospitals that they had to treat charity patients.
With all the pieces in place, liberal US Marxists had a scam to run.  They wanted socialized medicine, with the government paying the cost funded by huge increases in taxes. It worked in Europe badly, but the US was more difficult. 
This has been replicated in education, energy, housing, food aid, utility aid, elder aid, child aid, borrower aid, job applicant aid, environmental rescue and others.  The results have been the same.  Costs skyrocket and outcomes suffer.  In the end, everybody suffers.
All of these adventures in bankruptcy began with violating the US Constitution by allowing the federal government to take on responsibilities it was not designed to assume. When the federal government moved in, outcomes suffered and costs went sky high.  When states stepped in, results were mixed. 
Going forward, we should get government out of the way and begin to close federal departments. Federal regulations would go away. States already have these functions. We should not bail out any of these ruined industries. They would do better rebuilding their industries themselves.
The current US Constitution (as written) lists the powers of the federal government.  The 10th Amendment says that all other matters belong to “the states and the people”.
Some issues work better without state involvement; these are best left to “the people”.
The federal government is broke. It has debts and unfunded liabilities it needs to pay off.
Liberals need to be told that IT IS OVER and we need to dismantle unconstitutional federal invlovement.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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