Sunday, November 30, 2014

Politics is Not Personal, It’s Business.

Representative government dies when nobody runs against the incumbent. Dynasties and oligarchy replace the citizen-politicians who the Founders envisioned would succeed them.  It worked for a while, but eventually, when the wrong people were elected, the Constitution was chiseled away.  It was replaced by expediency, stupidity and greed. 
We now have government by “special interests” and the only ideology that thrives is socialist, Marxist Communism. Voters are dumbed-down and distracted from their responsibility to maintain our Republic, so the “special interests” have taken it away from them. 
These special interests include Communists, socialists, environmentalists, statists, crony corporations, banksters, criminals, scammers, academics, union bosses, globalists, internationalists Hollywood and the media. They manipulate diverse groups to support them including: union members, Catholics, teachers, Blacks, nature lovers, criminals, wimps, morons and people whose emotions rule their decisions.
The herd instinct drives both the puppet masters and the “useful idiots”. But these Liberals are lemmings, rushing into the sea. Nothing they do serves anyone’s true self-interest.
The American Communist Party republished 45 goals in 1963 (posted August 4, 2014).  All of them have been accomplished through federal legislation and executive orders.  All were accomplished through bribery, something for nothing, promises and lies.  The puppet masters first got control of the mechanisms they needed to manipulate the voters. 
The unconstitutional Federal Reserve (central bank) gave them the tools to manipulate the economy to create bubbles and crashes. The crashes softened up the voters to accept the next government take-over. Promises to “help the people” put government in control of our retirement, our medical care, our freedoms and our sovereignty. Promises to make us “proud” resulted in the unconstitutional federal government takeover of 30% of the land mass in the US.
Excessive immigration and bad trade agreements and executive orders will destroy our means of self-support, destroy our economy and render us a 3rd World Country.
UN Agenda 21 implementation in the US will remove our right to private property in the US and Regionalism, with unelected, appointed boards will destroy the elective process and seize our land.
Unless state legislatures nullify ruinous federal laws and regulations, our Republic will surely “perish from the earth”. Good people need to step up, otherwise what good are they.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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